Friday, May 13, 2016

CRD Board Highlights - May 13th mtg

Present - Chair Richmond; Directors Armstrong, Bruce, Massier, Forseth, Kemp, Sorley, Wagner, Cash, Anderson, Coakley, Sharpe, Simpson, Cobb and Campsall

Meeting called to order at 9:45am

Meeting Agenda approved/Mins of the April 22nd CRD Board meeting adopted

Delegations Memo. of Business as of May 13th received


Development Services:

a) CRD Planning Bylaws 4999,5000. 5001 and 5002 were given 3rd Reading and Adoption (Area L)

b) CRD Planning Bylaws 4882/4883 were adopted (Area F)

c) DVP #21/2016 (Area E) was adopted

d)  DP #20/2016 (Area A) was adopted

e) ALR Application #A22/2016 was adopted by the following Stakeholder - Electoral Areas Vote:

Affirmative - Directors Armstrong, Bruce, Massier, Kemp, Sorley, Richmond, Wagner, Anderson and Coakley

Negative - Directors Forseth and Cash

Environmental Services:

a) The Proposed Water/Sewer Projects report was received

Community Services:

a) The Board agreed to submit applications to the BC Rural Dividend Program for $10,000 under the Project Development funding stream for development of a wheelchair accessible trails assessment and inventory study for the Chilcotin, central Cariboo and portions of the south Cariboo & $32,000 under the Single Applicant funding stream to support the sub-regional community economic development project in the South Cariboo.

b) The Board endorsed a NDIT Application (Festivals Envelope) for the Interlakes Rodeo event


a) The Board endorsed the following Resolution in regards to the Bridge Lake Library

"If the School District advises the Cariboo Regional District that they must relocate the Bridge Lake library, the Board grant approval in principle for staff to further explore the option of locating the library beside the Interlakes Community Hall, provided the costs are not inconsistent with other community libraries"


a) The Board received/ratified the Cheque Register for the month of April 2016 totalling $1,803,334.07, consisting of $732,608.57 paid by cheque, $983,334.31 paid through electronic funds, and $87,391.19 paid by MasterCard

b) The Board received a Request for Permissive Tax Exemption for the Forest Grove Legion


a) The Board received a report of the Corporate Officer concerning 2016 UBCM Resolutions

b) The Board received the Consent Calendar as of May 13th

c) The Board received a copy of a letter from the District of Kitimat to BC Premier C. Clark in regards to Graduated Licensing Program for Motorcycles and a Resolution from the City of Cranbrook in regards to making a financial donation to Fort MacMurray

Resolved - That a letter of support be forwarded to the Regional Municipal Council of Wood-Buffalo in light of the Fort MacMurray fires

d) The Board received the Prioritization of Board Resolutions Report as of May 13th

Committee/Commission Minutes/Recommendations:

a) The Board received the April 20th North Cariboo Joint Committee Meeting Minutes

b) The Board received the April 21st Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes and adopted 10 Recommendations from that meeting which include:

i) North Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus Recommendation – Hazardous Slide Area Designation
ii) Request from Director Massier to Discuss Dangerous Tree Bylaw
iii) Request from Director Coakley – Discussion Regarding Fee per Lot in Area L
iv) Quesnel Regional Airport – Request for Financial Contribution
v) Draft Volunteer Chief, Deputy Chief and Training Officer Recruitment and Retention Bonus Policy
vi) Corporate Priorities - Strategic Goals
vii) Corporate Priorities - Additions to Work Plan - Review 100 Mile House Library Hours
viii) Late Item - New Community Library Standards Policy
ix) Bridge Lake Library
x) New Agenda Item Summary Format

c) The Board received the April 27th Central Cariboo Joint Committee Meeting Minutes

Directors Requests/Reports:

a) The Board received a report, submitted by Chair Al Richmond, summarizing the activities and performance of the Municipal Finance Authority of BC for the period of October 2015 to March 2016

b) The Board authorized $500 from the Area C Discretionary Fund for start-up costs of the Wells / Barkerville / Bowron Primary Care Clinic

b) The Board authorized a request of Director Anderson (Area K) for access to the Area K Discretionary Fund for the following events at Riske Creek:

$200 for a Turkey Shoot on June 26, 2016;
$300 for a gymkhana on August 1, 2016; and
$300 for a gymkhana on September 17, 2016

c) That a request of Director Bruce (Area B) for access to the Rural Feasibility Fund for $2,000 to study the creation a new service to clean up Bouchie Lake be APPROVED

Meeting recessed at 10:52am
Meeting resumed at 11:05am


1) Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA Donna Barnett appeared before the Board to discuss the criteria for the BC Rural Dividend

A Question/Answer period ensued

Chair Richmond, on behalf of the Board, thanked MLA Barnett for her time/information

2) Frank Leonard, Chair of the Agriculture Land Commission along with Interior Panel ALC members and Martin Collins, ALC Regional Planner appeared before the Board to discuss the new ALC Regulation

A Question/Answer period ensued

Chair Richmond, on behalf of the Board, thanked the delegation for their time/information

Meeting recessed for lunch at 12:15pm
Meeting resumed at 1pm

Board resumed consideration of the following:

"That a request of Director Bruce (Area B) for access to the Rural Feasibility Fund for $2,000 to study the creation a new service to clean up Bouchie Lake be APPROVED"

Discussion continued...

The question being called by the Chair - it was approved by the following vote:

Affirmative - Directors Armstrong, Bruce, Massier, Forseth, Kemp, Richmond, Wagner, Cash, Anderson, Coakley, Sharpe, Simpson, Cobb and Campsall

Negative - Director Sorley

At 1:38pm -- The Board recessed its' public meeting and convened an In-Camera (closed to the public) Meeting as per Sections 90(1a,g,k and l - appointment, potential/actual litigation, negotiations and annual report) of the Community Charter

At 2:08pm -- The Board resumed its public meeting

Directors gave oral reports as to their recent activities

Resolved - That a contribution of $5,000 from the Regional District's collaborative fund be authorized towards the Chinese Performing Arts program, should it be required.

Resolved - That Director Wagner be appointed as the CRD representative on the Reconciliation Canada Committee, at no cost to the Board.

Resolved - That representatives from both Gibraltar and Mount Polley Mines be invited to attend an upcoming Board meeting to provide updates on their Water Management Plans.

Meeting adjourned at 2:54pm

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