Thursday, May 19, 2016

KAAS Donates Sweeper to 108 Mile Airport

Joint Release of the Kamloops Airport Authority Society/Cariboo Regional District:

Due to the generosity of the Airports Canada Assistance Program through the Government of Canada, the Kamloops Airport Authority Society (KAAS) purchased two new runway
sweepers for the Kamloops Airport in the summer of 2015. These new sweepers provide snow clearing services to allow flights to land at the airport in winter conditions.

The new equipment resulted in the retirement of two sweepers that no longer met the snow clearing needs for the Kamloops Airport. The Cariboo Regional District (CRD) heard about the surplus equipment and asked if it could be secured through a donation. The Kamloops Airport Authority Society agreed to donate a sweeper to its northern neighbour, whose airport allows for medevac flights and tourist visits to the region.

"The Kamloops Airport Authority Society was very fortunate to receive funding last year from the Federal Government’s ACAP program, and purchased two new sweepers to replace aging equipment,” says Kamloops Airport Authority Society Vice-Chair Peter Milobar. “We heard that South Cariboo Regional Airport was in need of one and are pleased to support our northern neighbour with a donation of one of our retired sweepers."

“The Cariboo Regional District is extremely grateful to the Kamloops Airport Authority Society for this generous donation,” states South Cariboo Regional Airport Commission Chair Mitch Campsall. “This is a welcome addition to our airport and will be extremely helpful in ensuring we continue to provide the best possible services to our airport and the South Cariboo communities.”

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