Today - the Williams Lake Tribune is reporting that the City of Williams Lake has hired its former CAO, Wayne Thiessen, (May 1993 - July 2003) as its' Interim Chief Administrative Officer effective Monday, June 11th
Mayor Walt Cobb goes over the details with the Tribune here
Discussion of the issues that affect you on a local, provincial and federal level
Thursday, June 30, 2016
CRD Board Highlights - June 30th mtg
Present: Chair Richmond; Directors Armstrong, Massier, Forseth, Kemp, Sorley, Wagner, Cash, Coakley, Sharpe, Simpson, Cobb and Campsall
Meeting called to order - 9:45am
Meeting Agenda approved/June 10th CRD Board Meeting Minutes adopted
Delegations MOB received
Development Services:
a) Planning Bylaw #5032 (Area F) was given 1st/2nd Readings
b) Planning Bylaws #5033/5034 (Area B) was given 1st/2nd Readings
c) Following a Public Hearing - the Board agreed to give Planning Bylaws #5011 (Area B), #5012/5013 (Area L) 3rd Reading
Resolved - That a letter of support be forwarded to BC Parks requesting that Heritage Island be put into the Bridge Lake Provincial Park system
d) The following DVP's were approved: #28-2016 (Area A), #32-2016 (Area G)
e) The following ALR Applications were approved: #F34-2016 (Area F), #L26-2016 (Area L)
Environmental Services:
a) The Board received a report of the Manager of Environmental Services concerning Fees for Wood Waste Disposal
Protective Services:
a) The Board approved a new Volunteer Chief, Deputy Chief and Training Officer Recruitment and Retention Bonus Policy
a) The Board received an item from UBCM re: 2016/17 Executive Call for Nominations
b) The Board endorsed a new policy concerning use of the Community Works Fund. Approved by the following vote:
Affirmative - Directors Armstrong, Massier, Kemp, Sorley, Richmond, Wagner, Cash, Coakley, Sharpe, Simpson, Cobb and Campsall
Negative - Director S. Forseth
c) The Board received a report from the CAO concerning a 2016 UBCM Resolution for Regional District Compensation for BC Hydro Transmission Lines in Rural Areas and a 2017 NCLGA Resolution be developed on this subject
d) The Board received the Consent Calendar as of June 30th
e) The Board received a memorandum from UBCM concerning 2015 Resolutions either endorsed or referred to the UBCM Executive for follow-up
f) The Board received a letter from the Ministry of Transportation re: denial to post signage on Highway 97 to guide visitors to the Soda Creek cemetery
Meeting recessed at 10:47am
Meeting resumed at 11:00am
Committee/Commission Minutes/Recommendations:
a) The Board received the June 8th Esler Recreation Commission meeting minutes and endorsed 3 Recommendations from that meeting (Proposed Capital Projects - Esler Recreation; Esler Recreation Appointments and Renewal of Use and Occupancy Licences)
b) The Board received the amended version of the June 9th Committee of the Whole meeting minutes and endorsed a number of recommendations from that meeting including:
1) Additions to Work Plan
2) Compensation from BC Hydro Transmission Lines
3) Staff review of the report entitled “A Review of Current Service Delivery Arrangements and Issues Related to Governance in the Interlakes Area of the CRD”
4) CRD Asset Management Policy Draft
5) Rural Dividend Fund
Resolved - That a discussion around the Rural Dividend takes place at the September Committee of the Whole meeting
c) The Board received the June 13th South Cariboo Joint Committee meeting minutes, deferred the recommendation concerning South Cariboo Recreation Fees and Charges Bylaw – Recreation Pass Consideration to the July 22nd Board meeting to consult with SD27. Deferral approved by the following vote:
Affirmative - Chair Richmond; Directors Armstrong, Massier, Forseth, Kemp, Sorley, Wagner, Cash, Sharpe, Simpson, and Cobb
Negative - Directors Campsall/Coakley
and endorsed a recommendation concerning Marten Exeter Hall Architectural Review and Concept Plans
Corporate Bylaws:
a) The Board adopted the following Bylaws:
1) Quesnel Fringe Area Fire Protection Boundary Amendment Bylaw No. 5026, 2016
2) Cariboo Regional District Electoral Area “D” Economic Development Service Amendment Bylaw No. 5028, 2016
3) 103 Mile Water System Service Boundary Amendment Bylaw No. 5037, 2016
Directors' Requests:
1) At the request of Director Wagner -- the Board authorized $120 in Electoral Area H Director Initiative Funds to rent the Forest Grove community hall for a Fire Smart presentation and $300 in Electoral Area H Discretionary Funds for fuel costs to tour and gain knowledge from a tourism perspective of the back road to Clearwater from the Mahood Lake Road
2) At the request of Director Forseth - the Board authorized waiver of Policy #11-11A-12(3) be waived and $500 was approved from the Electoral Area ‘D’ Director Initiative Fund and the funds be forwarded to the McLeese Lake Recreation Commission as a financial contribution towards an event to honour the former President of the McLeese Lake Recreation Commission
Director Anderson joined the meeting via teleconference at 11:30am
Diane Nicolson, President, and Jason Quigley, EVP Stakeholder and Regulatory Affairs, HDI Amarc, appeared before the Board to provide an update on mining exploration in the Chilcotin area.
A Question/Answer period ensued
Chair Richmond, on behalf of the Board, thanked the delegation for their time/information
Meeting recessed for lunch at 11:55am - Director Anderson left the meeting
Meeting resumed at 12:30pm
3) At the request of Director Forseth - the Board authorized Chair Richmond to urgently contact Aboriginal Relations/Reconciliation Minister John Rustad as soon as possible to request that he attend a meeting with Directors' in the months of July or August to discuss the lack of genuine public consultation following the Feb 9th NSTQ Stage 4 vote for residents of Pacific Rd in Wildwood and to discuss the Nanqay Dene Accord. Further, that MLA Oakes and MLA Barnett or their representatives be invited to attend this meeting and should the meeting not take place prior to September 1st, then Staff be authorized to request an emergency meeting with Minister Rustad at UBCM in Victoria in late September along with the member muncipalities
Directors' reported out on activities in their Electoral Area/Muncipality
Resolved - That the previous appointment of Uli Widdel to the Electoral Area F Advisory Planning Commission, be rescinded.
The Board adjourned at 1:29pm
Meeting called to order - 9:45am
Meeting Agenda approved/June 10th CRD Board Meeting Minutes adopted
Delegations MOB received
Development Services:
a) Planning Bylaw #5032 (Area F) was given 1st/2nd Readings
b) Planning Bylaws #5033/5034 (Area B) was given 1st/2nd Readings
c) Following a Public Hearing - the Board agreed to give Planning Bylaws #5011 (Area B), #5012/5013 (Area L) 3rd Reading
Resolved - That a letter of support be forwarded to BC Parks requesting that Heritage Island be put into the Bridge Lake Provincial Park system
d) The following DVP's were approved: #28-2016 (Area A), #32-2016 (Area G)
e) The following ALR Applications were approved: #F34-2016 (Area F), #L26-2016 (Area L)
Environmental Services:
a) The Board received a report of the Manager of Environmental Services concerning Fees for Wood Waste Disposal
Protective Services:
a) The Board approved a new Volunteer Chief, Deputy Chief and Training Officer Recruitment and Retention Bonus Policy
a) The Board received an item from UBCM re: 2016/17 Executive Call for Nominations
b) The Board endorsed a new policy concerning use of the Community Works Fund. Approved by the following vote:
Affirmative - Directors Armstrong, Massier, Kemp, Sorley, Richmond, Wagner, Cash, Coakley, Sharpe, Simpson, Cobb and Campsall
Negative - Director S. Forseth
c) The Board received a report from the CAO concerning a 2016 UBCM Resolution for Regional District Compensation for BC Hydro Transmission Lines in Rural Areas and a 2017 NCLGA Resolution be developed on this subject
d) The Board received the Consent Calendar as of June 30th
e) The Board received a memorandum from UBCM concerning 2015 Resolutions either endorsed or referred to the UBCM Executive for follow-up
f) The Board received a letter from the Ministry of Transportation re: denial to post signage on Highway 97 to guide visitors to the Soda Creek cemetery
Meeting recessed at 10:47am
Meeting resumed at 11:00am
Committee/Commission Minutes/Recommendations:
a) The Board received the June 8th Esler Recreation Commission meeting minutes and endorsed 3 Recommendations from that meeting (Proposed Capital Projects - Esler Recreation; Esler Recreation Appointments and Renewal of Use and Occupancy Licences)
b) The Board received the amended version of the June 9th Committee of the Whole meeting minutes and endorsed a number of recommendations from that meeting including:
1) Additions to Work Plan
2) Compensation from BC Hydro Transmission Lines
3) Staff review of the report entitled “A Review of Current Service Delivery Arrangements and Issues Related to Governance in the Interlakes Area of the CRD”
4) CRD Asset Management Policy Draft
5) Rural Dividend Fund
Resolved - That a discussion around the Rural Dividend takes place at the September Committee of the Whole meeting
c) The Board received the June 13th South Cariboo Joint Committee meeting minutes, deferred the recommendation concerning South Cariboo Recreation Fees and Charges Bylaw – Recreation Pass Consideration to the July 22nd Board meeting to consult with SD27. Deferral approved by the following vote:
Affirmative - Chair Richmond; Directors Armstrong, Massier, Forseth, Kemp, Sorley, Wagner, Cash, Sharpe, Simpson, and Cobb
Negative - Directors Campsall/Coakley
and endorsed a recommendation concerning Marten Exeter Hall Architectural Review and Concept Plans
Corporate Bylaws:
a) The Board adopted the following Bylaws:
1) Quesnel Fringe Area Fire Protection Boundary Amendment Bylaw No. 5026, 2016
2) Cariboo Regional District Electoral Area “D” Economic Development Service Amendment Bylaw No. 5028, 2016
3) 103 Mile Water System Service Boundary Amendment Bylaw No. 5037, 2016
Directors' Requests:
1) At the request of Director Wagner -- the Board authorized $120 in Electoral Area H Director Initiative Funds to rent the Forest Grove community hall for a Fire Smart presentation and $300 in Electoral Area H Discretionary Funds for fuel costs to tour and gain knowledge from a tourism perspective of the back road to Clearwater from the Mahood Lake Road
2) At the request of Director Forseth - the Board authorized waiver of Policy #11-11A-12(3) be waived and $500 was approved from the Electoral Area ‘D’ Director Initiative Fund and the funds be forwarded to the McLeese Lake Recreation Commission as a financial contribution towards an event to honour the former President of the McLeese Lake Recreation Commission
Director Anderson joined the meeting via teleconference at 11:30am
Diane Nicolson, President, and Jason Quigley, EVP Stakeholder and Regulatory Affairs, HDI Amarc, appeared before the Board to provide an update on mining exploration in the Chilcotin area.
A Question/Answer period ensued
Chair Richmond, on behalf of the Board, thanked the delegation for their time/information
Meeting recessed for lunch at 11:55am - Director Anderson left the meeting
Meeting resumed at 12:30pm
3) At the request of Director Forseth - the Board authorized Chair Richmond to urgently contact Aboriginal Relations/Reconciliation Minister John Rustad as soon as possible to request that he attend a meeting with Directors' in the months of July or August to discuss the lack of genuine public consultation following the Feb 9th NSTQ Stage 4 vote for residents of Pacific Rd in Wildwood and to discuss the Nanqay Dene Accord. Further, that MLA Oakes and MLA Barnett or their representatives be invited to attend this meeting and should the meeting not take place prior to September 1st, then Staff be authorized to request an emergency meeting with Minister Rustad at UBCM in Victoria in late September along with the member muncipalities
Directors' reported out on activities in their Electoral Area/Muncipality
Resolved - That the previous appointment of Uli Widdel to the Electoral Area F Advisory Planning Commission, be rescinded.
The Board adjourned at 1:29pm
CCRHD Board Highlights - June 30th mtg
Present: Chair Massier; Directors Armstrong, Forseth, Kemp, Sorley, Richmond, Wagner, Cash, Coakley, Sharpe, Simpson, Cobb, Campsall and Anderson (via teleconference)
Meeting called to order - 9:30am
Meeting Agenda adopted/June 10th CCRHD Board Meeting Minutes adopted
Delegation - None
1) The Board received the Hospital Consent Calendar
2) The Board received a report concerning the possible closure of the Alexis Creek Hospital
3) The Board received a letter from Northern Health concerning their meeting with CCRHD at the 2016 NCLGA Convention in Dawson Creek, BC
The Board adjourned at 9:35am
Meeting called to order - 9:30am
Meeting Agenda adopted/June 10th CCRHD Board Meeting Minutes adopted
Delegation - None
1) The Board received the Hospital Consent Calendar
2) The Board received a report concerning the possible closure of the Alexis Creek Hospital
3) The Board received a letter from Northern Health concerning their meeting with CCRHD at the 2016 NCLGA Convention in Dawson Creek, BC
The Board adjourned at 9:35am
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
2015 SOFI Report - City of WL
At their meeting last night as well - Williams Lake City Council received the Statement of Financial Information (SOFI) for the year ending December 31st, 2015. For the year ending December 31st, 2014 - read here. This is a requirement of provincial law before June 30th in each year for all local governments. Boards of Education must also submit a SOFI Report prior to December 31st in each year
The final version was slightly amended to reflect 4 severance agreements entered into during 2015
For Williams Lake City Council in 2015:
Mayor Walt Cobb -- Salary: $43,688 ; Expenses: $7,919
For Staff whose salary is reportable (above $75,000) - total paid in 2015 was $2,223,999 with those making under $75,000 totalling $5,154,247.00 with the grand total paid to all staff in 2015 being $7,388,246.00
Read the full report here
The final version was slightly amended to reflect 4 severance agreements entered into during 2015
For Williams Lake City Council in 2015:
Mayor Walt Cobb -- Salary: $43,688 ; Expenses: $7,919
Remuneration (Salary)
Ivan Bonnell
Scott Nelson
Jason Ryll
Craig Smith
Laurie Walters
Sue Zacharias
For Staff whose salary is reportable (above $75,000) - total paid in 2015 was $2,223,999 with those making under $75,000 totalling $5,154,247.00 with the grand total paid to all staff in 2015 being $7,388,246.00
Read the full report here
Quesnel Council Highlights - June 28th mtg
Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:
Council Response to Timber Supply Review
- Request the government consider the Socio-economic and forest health impacts for the Quesnel area
- Request the government to align and accelerate forest health and land base investment activities in the Quesnel Timber Supply Area to rehabilitate the forest land base as quickly and effectively as possible
- Develop a program to assist our forest sector to re-invent to fully utilize all available fibre from our forests and to adapt to the implications of harvesting younger stands.
- Request an expedited decision on its interface community forest license and ask for an invitation letter from the Minister that would protect the community from catastrophic forest fires and create long term sustainable jobs while providing more timber to our local forests sector.
Living Wage Designation
- Feed, clothe and provide shelter for their family
- Promote healthy child development
- Participate in activities that are an ordinary element of life in the community
- Avoid the chronic stress of living in poverty
Traffic Calming Devices
Playgrounds– Capital Planning
Bylaw of the Month – July – Sprinkling/Irrigation
- EVEN properties water on EVEN numbered days
- ODD properties water on ODD numbered days.
- Bylaw 1802 – Recreation Centre (Bowling Alley/Mini Golf–Racing/Valhalla Road) - Third Reading
- Bylaw 1804 – New Statutory Reserves – Final Adoption
- Bylaw 1805 – Multi Family Housing Incentives – Final Adoption
- Bylaws 1806/1807 – OCP & Zone Amendments - Grace Inn Motel (Convert to Housing) – First Reading
Next Meetings
- 5:30 pm – July 12, 2016 – North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee
Council Response to Timber Supply Review
After speaking with forestry stakeholders, Council has chosen the following key issues to submit as a response to the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations regarding the Ministry’s Timber Supply Review Discussion Paper (the following points have been taken from Mayor Bob Simpson’s report):
- Request the government consider the Socio-economic and forest health impacts for the Quesnel area
- Request the government to align and accelerate forest health and land base investment activities in the Quesnel Timber Supply Area to rehabilitate the forest land base as quickly and effectively as possible
- Develop a program to assist our forest sector to re-invent to fully utilize all available fibre from our forests and to adapt to the implications of harvesting younger stands.
- Request an expedited decision on its interface community forest license and ask for an invitation letter from the Minister that would protect the community from catastrophic forest fires and create long term sustainable jobs while providing more timber to our local forests sector.
Living Wage Designation
Council approved submitting the City’s Living Wage Application to the Living Wage Families Campaign for review, if approved the City will become the second designated Living Wage employer in Quesnel (Integris Credit Union is the first). To qualify as a Living Wage Employer, the City would be required to pay its employees, and require contractors completing work over 120 hours for the City, to pay their employees Quesnel’s living wage that is calculated to be $16.52 per hour. The Living Wage hourly rate of pay enables wage earners living in a household to:
- Feed, clothe and provide shelter for their family
- Promote healthy child development
- Participate in activities that are an ordinary element of life in the community
- Avoid the chronic stress of living in poverty
This hourly rate is calculated every year by the Living Wage for Families Campaign, based on living expenses for a family of four that has two children aged 4 and 7, with both parents working full time (35 hours/week).
Traffic Calming Devices
Two traffic calming devices (speed bumps) have been approved for installation: one on Racing Road near Ryan Road and one on Baker Drive North of Sugarloaf Ball Park.
Grace Inn Motel – Convert to Housing
The Applicant would like to convert the Grace Inn Motel from 43 motel rooms into 10 studio and 25 one-bedroom units that would be available to rent, at market value, to seniors. Council approved first reading of Bylaw 1806 that would amend the Official Community Plan to allow for high density at 530 Carson Avenue. The Proponent intends to host an open house next month to consult with the community regarding this proposed development.
Playgrounds– Capital Planning
$30,000 per year of Gas Tax funds will be used for the planning and design work to upgrade playgrounds. Council approved this request with South Quesnel, LeBourdais, Patchett, Ritchie Street and Pinchbeck parks being listed as the current top five priorities for playground upgrades.
Bylaw of the Month – July – Sprinkling/Irrigation
The City’s Water Regulation Bylaw is in place to regulate water usage within the community and encourage water conservation. From May 15 to Sept 30, the public is asked to water from 6 – 10 am and 7 – 11 pm:
- EVEN properties water on EVEN numbered days
- ODD properties water on ODD numbered days.
There is a $50 fine for watering outside the regulated specific days/hours.
- Bylaw 1802 – Recreation Centre (Bowling Alley/Mini Golf–Racing/Valhalla Road) - Third Reading
- Bylaw 1804 – New Statutory Reserves – Final Adoption
- Bylaw 1805 – Multi Family Housing Incentives – Final Adoption
- Bylaws 1806/1807 – OCP & Zone Amendments - Grace Inn Motel (Convert to Housing) – First Reading
Next Meetings
- 5:30 pm – July 12, 2016 – North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee
- 7:00 pm – July 26, 2016 – Regular Council Meeting
Editorial: Scout Island Debate at June 28th Council Meeting
At last night's Council meeting - supporters of Scout Island showed up in droves to Williams Lake Council Chambers and impress upon Williams Lake City Council on the importance of Scout Island and what it offers the City. Council also saw in the public gallery a few who support "modernizing" Scout Island into a facility that the community can be proud of, although the supporters of Scout Island outnumbered the modernization supporters by a ratio of 10 to 1
Council had before it last night both a letter dated June 23rd from the Williams Lake Field Naturalists and also a verbal presentation from Sue Hemphill - Executive Director of the Scout Island Nature Centre
Things got slightly heated during the Question/Answer period between Councillor Jason Ryll/Ms. Hemphill where the Scout Island supporters in the public gallery reacted negatively when they perceived that Councillor Ryll was not treating the delegation with respect and when some who supported the modernization of Scout Island yelled out "It's our road too!", those who wanted to maintain the status quo were called to order by Mayor Cobb when they too wanted to speak
Council referred the June 23rd WL Field Naturalists letter to the July 12th Committee of the Whole meeting for further consideration. Meanwhile, Council also agreed to maintain the status quo as it relates to the maintenance of the causeway to Scout Island until Council further considers the matter, at the request of Councillor Ivan Bonnell
Meanwhile - supporters of the modernization of Scout Island have "rallied the troops" on Facebook calling on those who support their cause to write to Mayor/Council and particularly Councillors Jason Ryll/Craig Smith as those who support the "status quo" of Scout Island did previously
Councillor Laurie Walters was absent from last night's Council meeting so it will be interesting to hear her views when this is next discussed on July 12th. I would suggest that those in attendance in the public gallery last night will be in attendance at the July 12th Committee of the Whole meeting to observe what Council does next with this item, but whatever happens, someone will not be happy with Council's decision... but as an elected official, I can truly sympathize with Council in that, I would be doing what they are doing now -- get all of the information you can, weigh the differing perspectives and make a decision accordingly...
The above editorial is my own and is not reflective of my elected capacity as Electoral Area 'D' Director of the Cariboo Regional District
At last night's Council meeting - supporters of Scout Island showed up in droves to Williams Lake Council Chambers and impress upon Williams Lake City Council on the importance of Scout Island and what it offers the City. Council also saw in the public gallery a few who support "modernizing" Scout Island into a facility that the community can be proud of, although the supporters of Scout Island outnumbered the modernization supporters by a ratio of 10 to 1
Council had before it last night both a letter dated June 23rd from the Williams Lake Field Naturalists and also a verbal presentation from Sue Hemphill - Executive Director of the Scout Island Nature Centre
Things got slightly heated during the Question/Answer period between Councillor Jason Ryll/Ms. Hemphill where the Scout Island supporters in the public gallery reacted negatively when they perceived that Councillor Ryll was not treating the delegation with respect and when some who supported the modernization of Scout Island yelled out "It's our road too!", those who wanted to maintain the status quo were called to order by Mayor Cobb when they too wanted to speak
Council referred the June 23rd WL Field Naturalists letter to the July 12th Committee of the Whole meeting for further consideration. Meanwhile, Council also agreed to maintain the status quo as it relates to the maintenance of the causeway to Scout Island until Council further considers the matter, at the request of Councillor Ivan Bonnell
Meanwhile - supporters of the modernization of Scout Island have "rallied the troops" on Facebook calling on those who support their cause to write to Mayor/Council and particularly Councillors Jason Ryll/Craig Smith as those who support the "status quo" of Scout Island did previously
Councillor Laurie Walters was absent from last night's Council meeting so it will be interesting to hear her views when this is next discussed on July 12th. I would suggest that those in attendance in the public gallery last night will be in attendance at the July 12th Committee of the Whole meeting to observe what Council does next with this item, but whatever happens, someone will not be happy with Council's decision... but as an elected official, I can truly sympathize with Council in that, I would be doing what they are doing now -- get all of the information you can, weigh the differing perspectives and make a decision accordingly...
The above editorial is my own and is not reflective of my elected capacity as Electoral Area 'D' Director of the Cariboo Regional District
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
WL Council Highlights - June 28th mtg
Present: Mayor Cobb; Councillors Bonnell, Ryll, Smith, Zacharias and Nelson via teleconference
Meeting called to order at 6pm
Meeting Agenda adopted/June 7th WL City Council meeting minutes adopted
1) Dana Rook (Miss West Fraser) /Cheyenne Shouts (WL Stampede Queen for 2016/17) appeared before Council to introduce themselves
A Question/Answer period ensued
Mayor Cobb, on behalf of Council, thanked the delegation for their time/information
2) Sue Hemphill - Executive Director of Scout Island Nature Centre appeared before Council to discuss the Causeway Road to the Scout Island site.
A Question/Answer period ensued
Mayor Cobb, on behalf of Council, thanked Ms. Hemphill for her time/information
Resolved - That the letter dated June 23rd from the Williams Lake Field Naturalists be referred to the July 12th Committee of the Whole meeting and that no further work take place on the causeway to Scout Island until Council further considers the matter
1) Council received for information the accounts payable computer cheque listings dated June 9 and 16, 2016
2) After receiving no public input -- Council received/approved the 2015 Annual Report in accordance with Section 98 of the Community Charter.
3) Council approved the 2015 Statement of Financial Information (SOFI) as presented and the Mayor was authorized to sign the Statement of Financial Information Approval on behalf of Council for submission to the Province by June 30, 2016.
4) Council received a report from Councillor Bonnell re: Council direction of staff to seek advice from the Union of BC Municipalities on the procedure for reallocating funds from the General Revenue fund to the Sanitary Sewer fund and report back to Council.
5) Council agreed to liaise with the North Central Local Government Management Association (NCLGMA) in reviewing, assessing and providing comments to the British Columbia's Review of Site Remediation Legal Regime
6) Council received Development Permit application #DP 01-2016 (Tom Wittal - Front Façade Redevelopment - 28 Broadway Avenue North) and directed it be considered formally at the July 19th Council meeting
Councillor S. Zacharias declared a conflict of interest on the next item, as she is married to the applicant's owner and left Council Chambers at 6:40pm
7) Council received Development Permit application #DP 02-2016 (United Concrete & Gravel Ltd. - Reconstruction of Industrial Use - 245 Hodgson Road) and directed it be considered formally at a future Council meeting, after receiving approval of the Ministry of Environment's Director of Waste Management as well as submission of final drawings
Councillor S. Zacharias returned to the meeting at 6:41pm
8) Council awarded the River Valley Trunk Sewer Upgrades contract to Peterson Contracting Ltd. for a total tendered amount of $3,271,430.56, excluding GST.
9) Council received a report of Councillor Bonnell re: Council direction to staff to seek advice from the Union of BC Municipalities clarifying what authority an individual member of Council or the Mayor has under the Local Government Act or Community Charter to direct staff on daily operational matters, and report back to Council.
10) Council awarded the lease for operation of the food concession in the arena lobby of the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex to Karen's Place Holdings for a three (3) year term, effective July 1, 2016, with an option to renew for a further two (2) years.
11) Council ratified an email poll to authorize acceptance of the donation of the totem pole from the Chilcotin Elders, approve costs of installation in the amount of approximately $7,500 and the preferred location in Boitanio Park, and directing Staff to undertake the work and have the totem erected at the preferred location
12) Council adopted Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2245 - Tate Teti / Konge - Adding 'Carriage House' as Permitted Use & Increasing Height of Accessory Building - 301 Fourth Avenue North
13) Council received the 'Council Information Package' as of June 28th as follows:
• June 2, 2016 - Letter from MOE re Atlantic Power's Williams Lake Power Plant Renewal Project;
• June 9 & 10, 2016 - CRD Board Highlights;
• June 23, 2016 - Canada Day in Boitanio Park 2016 Event Poster;
• June 24, 2016 - City of New Westminster re UBCM Resolution on Tenant Evictions through Renovations.
Members of Council gave oral reports on their recent activities
Council adjourned at 7:05pm
Meeting called to order at 6pm
Meeting Agenda adopted/June 7th WL City Council meeting minutes adopted
1) Dana Rook (Miss West Fraser) /Cheyenne Shouts (WL Stampede Queen for 2016/17) appeared before Council to introduce themselves
A Question/Answer period ensued
Mayor Cobb, on behalf of Council, thanked the delegation for their time/information
2) Sue Hemphill - Executive Director of Scout Island Nature Centre appeared before Council to discuss the Causeway Road to the Scout Island site.
A Question/Answer period ensued
Mayor Cobb, on behalf of Council, thanked Ms. Hemphill for her time/information
Resolved - That the letter dated June 23rd from the Williams Lake Field Naturalists be referred to the July 12th Committee of the Whole meeting and that no further work take place on the causeway to Scout Island until Council further considers the matter
1) Council received for information the accounts payable computer cheque listings dated June 9 and 16, 2016
2) After receiving no public input -- Council received/approved the 2015 Annual Report in accordance with Section 98 of the Community Charter.
3) Council approved the 2015 Statement of Financial Information (SOFI) as presented and the Mayor was authorized to sign the Statement of Financial Information Approval on behalf of Council for submission to the Province by June 30, 2016.
4) Council received a report from Councillor Bonnell re: Council direction of staff to seek advice from the Union of BC Municipalities on the procedure for reallocating funds from the General Revenue fund to the Sanitary Sewer fund and report back to Council.
5) Council agreed to liaise with the North Central Local Government Management Association (NCLGMA) in reviewing, assessing and providing comments to the British Columbia's Review of Site Remediation Legal Regime
6) Council received Development Permit application #DP 01-2016 (Tom Wittal - Front Façade Redevelopment - 28 Broadway Avenue North) and directed it be considered formally at the July 19th Council meeting
Councillor S. Zacharias declared a conflict of interest on the next item, as she is married to the applicant's owner and left Council Chambers at 6:40pm
7) Council received Development Permit application #DP 02-2016 (United Concrete & Gravel Ltd. - Reconstruction of Industrial Use - 245 Hodgson Road) and directed it be considered formally at a future Council meeting, after receiving approval of the Ministry of Environment's Director of Waste Management as well as submission of final drawings
Councillor S. Zacharias returned to the meeting at 6:41pm
8) Council awarded the River Valley Trunk Sewer Upgrades contract to Peterson Contracting Ltd. for a total tendered amount of $3,271,430.56, excluding GST.
9) Council received a report of Councillor Bonnell re: Council direction to staff to seek advice from the Union of BC Municipalities clarifying what authority an individual member of Council or the Mayor has under the Local Government Act or Community Charter to direct staff on daily operational matters, and report back to Council.
10) Council awarded the lease for operation of the food concession in the arena lobby of the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex to Karen's Place Holdings for a three (3) year term, effective July 1, 2016, with an option to renew for a further two (2) years.
11) Council ratified an email poll to authorize acceptance of the donation of the totem pole from the Chilcotin Elders, approve costs of installation in the amount of approximately $7,500 and the preferred location in Boitanio Park, and directing Staff to undertake the work and have the totem erected at the preferred location
12) Council adopted Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2245 - Tate Teti / Konge - Adding 'Carriage House' as Permitted Use & Increasing Height of Accessory Building - 301 Fourth Avenue North
13) Council received the 'Council Information Package' as of June 28th as follows:
• June 2, 2016 - Letter from MOE re Atlantic Power's Williams Lake Power Plant Renewal Project;
• June 9 & 10, 2016 - CRD Board Highlights;
• June 23, 2016 - Canada Day in Boitanio Park 2016 Event Poster;
• June 24, 2016 - City of New Westminster re UBCM Resolution on Tenant Evictions through Renovations.
Members of Council gave oral reports on their recent activities
Council adjourned at 7:05pm
2015 CARIP Survey Public Report
Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:
2015 Climate Action Report - City WL
City of Williams Lake is one of 170 local governments in BC that has submitted its annual report, tracking progress towards Carbon Neutrality. Overall carbon emissions from City operations is steadily dropping as buildings are renovated and vehicles are replaced.
A copy of the 2015 Climate Action Report is available below:
Safety initiative targets crime and violence in Cariboo-Chilcotin
Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:
A new integrated community safety initiative (ICSI) will strengthen collaboration among justice, health and social service partners to better address the roots of crime and violence in the region.
In addition to the $23-million expansion of B.C.’s Guns and Gangs strategy announced on April 15, 2016, Williams Lake and the Cariboo-Chilcotin will receive up to $500,000 in civil forfeiture grant funding to support the ICSI. Building on discussions involving the Province, the City of Williams Lake and First Nations leaders, a local steering committee has been established to prioritize community safety goals and guide targeted projects and activities over a two year period in the following areas:
- Regional collaboration on public safety issues
- Training and community capacity building to enhance frontline response
- Programs and services to better prevent and respond to crime
Examples of projects the steering committee may consider include expanding the prolific offender management committee, enhancing restorative justice services, crisis intervention training and community safety mobilization workshops amongst other initiatives. The steering committee will work to finalize project activities in the coming months. An initiative co-ordinator will be hired to lead the work under the direction of the steering committee.
The ICSI funding represents a portion of the $5 million Premier Christy Clark committed to target gangs, the roots of crime and the safety of First Nations at the Union of BC Municipalities convention in September 2015. The initiative also fulfils government’s commitment – upon the release of the report of the Blue Ribbon Panel on Crime Reduction in December 2014 – to consider a regional, integrated community safety partnership pilot project.
Mike Morris, Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General –
“The B.C. government is committed to stopping violent crime. With a strong spirit of collaboration among First Nations and other local leaders, and among experts in justice, health and social agencies, this new funding will help them advance their insights into further action. The goal is to steer both young people away from becoming involved in unlawful activity and repeat offenders away from remaining criminals.”
Donna Barnett, MLA, Cariboo-Chilcotin –
“Gang and violent crime issues require attention, expertise and support that this integrated community safety initiative will promote. We are fortunate to have strong, local organizations working to make our communities safer.”
Walt Cobb, mayor, City of Williams Lake –
“Today’s news is something we have worked toward for some time. There is shared recognition of the need for more collaboration between agencies to address crime and violence across the region. The inclusive approach of the ICSI recognizes these issues don’t stop at the edge of the city or a particular First Nation, and I look forward to additional services, co-ordination and community safety as a result of this initiative.”
Quick Facts:
- In 2014, Williams Lake ranked first in violent crime severity among more than 300 Canadian municipalities with a population over 10,000, according to Statistics Canada.
- The ICSI initiative will include an evaluation component and the Province is committed to ensuring lessons learned through the ICSI are shared with other local government and First Nation partners.
- On April 15, the Province announced a $23-million expansion of its Guns and Gangs Strategy focused on effective police enforcement and prosecution, community safety and public engagement, and expanding laws and sanctions targeting illegal guns and gang violence. For more details, see:
- Beginning in 2013, a Blue Ribbon panel of experts studied crime reduction opportunities for B.C. The panel’s report, entitled Getting Serious About Crime Reduction, advocated the use of cohesive, collaborative approaches to prevent and reduce crime. The report is online at:
- In March 2016, close to $100,000 in civil and criminal forfeiture fund grants were provided to support four projects in Williams Lake and the Cariboo-Chilcotin region.
Quesnel Council meets tonight!
Quesnel City Council will be busy this evening. Starting at 6:15pm with a Special Meeting to consider a report from the City of Quesnel's Ec Dev Officer regarding the City's Branding Exercise. Click here to read the report.
Then at 7pm - Quesnel Council will hold a Public Hearing on a Zoning Amendment re: Recreation Centre and Accessory Dwelling Unit in South Quesnel. Click here to view the Agenda
Following adjournment of the Public Hearing - Quesnel Council will convene its' regularly scheduled meeting. On the Agenda:
* Committee Reports to review
* Response to Quesnel TSR (Timber Supply Review) Discussion Paper
* Canada Day 150 - Councillor Roodenburg to lead 'Open Discussion'
* Outdoor Café Permit 2016-07 for Granville’s Coffee - Downtown Quesnel
* Living Wage Designation
* Traffic Calming Devices - 1 on Baker Drive; 1 on Racing Road
* Convert Grace Inn Motel to Seniors Housing (530 Carson Avenue)
* Playground Capital Planning
* Barlow Creek Ball Diamonds
* Dissolution of the Quesnel Community and Economic Development Corporation
* Bylaw of the Month - July 2016 - Animal Control
* Active Transportation Plan/Bike Network/Next Steps
* Letter from District of Wells - Request for Quesnel Cell Guards - ArtsWells Festival
* Letter from Quesnel Ladies Softball Association - Request for Naming of Sugarloaf Ball Park
View the full Agenda here
Then at 7pm - Quesnel Council will hold a Public Hearing on a Zoning Amendment re: Recreation Centre and Accessory Dwelling Unit in South Quesnel. Click here to view the Agenda
Following adjournment of the Public Hearing - Quesnel Council will convene its' regularly scheduled meeting. On the Agenda:
* Committee Reports to review
* Response to Quesnel TSR (Timber Supply Review) Discussion Paper
* Canada Day 150 - Councillor Roodenburg to lead 'Open Discussion'
* Outdoor Café Permit 2016-07 for Granville’s Coffee - Downtown Quesnel
* Living Wage Designation
* Traffic Calming Devices - 1 on Baker Drive; 1 on Racing Road
* Convert Grace Inn Motel to Seniors Housing (530 Carson Avenue)
* Playground Capital Planning
* Barlow Creek Ball Diamonds
* Dissolution of the Quesnel Community and Economic Development Corporation
* Bylaw of the Month - July 2016 - Animal Control
* Active Transportation Plan/Bike Network/Next Steps
* Letter from District of Wells - Request for Quesnel Cell Guards - ArtsWells Festival
* Letter from Quesnel Ladies Softball Association - Request for Naming of Sugarloaf Ball Park
View the full Agenda here
Monday, June 27, 2016
2016 Property Taxes due next Monday at 4pm
Just a friendly reminder that property taxes (whether municipal or rural) are due on Monday, July 4th at 4:30pm
If you reside in the Cities of Williams Lake/Quesnel or the Districts of Wells or 100 Mile House, you can go to your local municipal hall to pay them or online. For more details:
Quesnel - click here
Williams Lake - click here
100 Mile House - click here
Wells - the District provides the following:
If you reside in the Cities of Williams Lake/Quesnel or the Districts of Wells or 100 Mile House, you can go to your local municipal hall to pay them or online. For more details:
Quesnel - click here
Williams Lake - click here
100 Mile House - click here
Wells - the District provides the following:
2016 Property Tax due date is Monday, July 4, 2016If you reside in Electoral Areas A-L of the Cariboo Regional District, you pay your property taxes to the local BC Government Agent office in either Quesnel, Williams Lake or 100 Mile House by Monday, July 4th at 4:30pm. More information on Rural Property Taxes can be viewed here. This deadline DOES NOT apply to ranchers/farmers in the Cariboo-Chilcotin who are unable to pay their farm property taxes by the July 4th deadline. They can apply to the BC Rural Farm Extension Program. If you qualify, then the farm/ranch property tax deadline then becomes October 31st at 4:30pm. For more information on the program - click here
The 2016 Property Tax Notices were mailed out to all property owners on May 20, 2016, and are due on July
4, 2016.
If you have not received your Tax Notice yet please contact the District of Wells at or 250-994-3330.
As a property owner, it is your responsibility to pay for your property taxes and to claim your Home Owner Grant, (if eligible), even if you have not received your property tax notice.
Payment Methods
Payments are accepted at the District of Wells office as cash or cheques ONLY. Post-dated cheques will be
2015 Retro Home Owner Grants & 2016 Home Owner Grants
As of January 1, 2016, the 2015 Home Owner Grant may be claimed through a Retro Home Owner Grant, if eligible. The last day to submit your 2015 Retro Home Owner Grant form (and required documentation) is Friday, December 30, 2016. No 2015 Retro submissions will be accepted after this date. If you have any questions regarding the Retro Home Owner Grant process, please contact the District of Wells Office at
Editorial: Scout Island Vision Debate
In an issue whose history dates back to the 1970's - the matter of mowing of the growing grasses along the sides of the causeway to Scout Island came up on Facebook last week and has been the cause of consternation by a number of local residents', both in and outside the City. In fact, the issue was debated inside Williams Lake City Council itself last Thursday/Friday - to take a look, click here. As well, the Williams Lake Tribune wrote on the subject this past Friday evening, view that article here
While discussing the subject on Facebook, some suggested that they would be prepared to become 'human shields' to prevent the mowing of the grasses growing along the causeway to prove their point. While I understand/respect the passion expressed by some on this issue, I'm not sure that was the best method to get one's concern(s) addressed by the City
Williams Lake City Councillor Jason Ryll took to his Facebook 'business' page last Friday afternoon to explain his point of view on the situation and he is to be commended for that, in order to have that two way conversation with those interested in this topic, both inside/outside the City. View his post here. Subsequently, that was 'shared' on Facebook by Williams Lake City Councillor Craig Smith as well in addition to a number of other people. This matter was also discussed last week on the 'Scout Island Nature Centre' Facebook Group Page (click here) and the Williams Lake Stay Up to Date Facebook Group Page (click here). Finally - a "Clean Up Scout Island" Facebook page was created yesterday - click here
Williams Lake City Council will consider this matter at their meeting tomorrow evening at 6pm, firstly with a presentation from Fred McMechan, President of the Williams Lake Field Naturalists then later in the meeting, consider a report from Williams Lake City Councillor Ivan Bonnell on the same subject. In my view, you can expect to see nearly a full Council Chambers tomorrow evening for the public to hear both Mr. McMechan's presentation and the report of Councillor Bonnell on this subject/subsequent discussion of Council. Read that report here
There is also a Scout Island Management Plan in place now which was last amended in February of 2004 which speaks to this subject. View the Plan here
A couple of personal observations:
a) There is value in having a public process for updating the current Scout Island Management Plan to reflect the obviously competing values for the overall vision of Scout Island. Council may wish to obtain the services of the Fraser Basin Council or another firm who does work in facilitating land use planning which would lead into a new Scout Island Management Plan for a new 10 year period or longer. After tomorrow evening's Williams Lake City Council meeting, no matter the outcome - I would respectfully suggest it would be in the community's best interest to have a facilitated public meeting(s) of the overall vision for Scout Island in the near term and coming to a facilitated agreement on a new Scout Island Vision and subsequent Management Plan
b) In terms of City Council governance - it is well established that a local government (municipal council/regional board/board of education) should NOT conduct discussion(s) of an item(s) via email, except to conduct a email poll respecting adoption of a motion, as per BC Regulation (Regional Districts) or Best Governance Practices (Municipal Councils/Boards of Education)
Given how this issue progressed, I suspect that once Council has its' permanent CAO (Chief Administrative Officer) in place, the current debate as to how Council directs Staff for operational matters will cease.
And while some will not agree, Mayor Cobb right now is within his rights (after consulting with Council, which he did in this case), and in my humble opinion, to direct Staff on operational matters (provided money is provided for in the annual budget) on the basis that he is wearing two hats right now -- Mayor of Williams Lake and Acting Chief Administrative Officer, by virtue of Mayor Cobb's other position as Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation of the City of Williams Lake (Williams Lake City Council) as per Section 116 of the Community Charter. While the situation of Mayor Cobb being both Mayor/Acting CAO is extremely rare in BC local governments, it is not illegal, however it is the normal governance practice of local government, following best practices, that the political and administrative branches of local government are separate to keep the two roles distinct.
Note - Mayor Cobb announced at last week's WL and District Chamber of Commerce general meeting that an interim CAO is set to commence work for the City on July 11th on a part time (2 days a week) basis.
While it is great to see passion from everyone for a crown jewel like Scout Island - It is my sincere personal hope (and I suspect many in the community, both inside and outside the City would agree) that a process can be found soon to bridge the two competing visions for Scout Island and come up with a Management Plan and Vision for Scout Island that everyone can live with. Something, Scout Island advocate Jenny Noble said herself yesterday on the 'Scout Island Nature Centre' Facebook group page.
The above editorial is my own and is not reflective of my elected capacity as Electoral Area 'D' Director of the Cariboo Regional District
In an issue whose history dates back to the 1970's - the matter of mowing of the growing grasses along the sides of the causeway to Scout Island came up on Facebook last week and has been the cause of consternation by a number of local residents', both in and outside the City. In fact, the issue was debated inside Williams Lake City Council itself last Thursday/Friday - to take a look, click here. As well, the Williams Lake Tribune wrote on the subject this past Friday evening, view that article here
While discussing the subject on Facebook, some suggested that they would be prepared to become 'human shields' to prevent the mowing of the grasses growing along the causeway to prove their point. While I understand/respect the passion expressed by some on this issue, I'm not sure that was the best method to get one's concern(s) addressed by the City
Williams Lake City Councillor Jason Ryll took to his Facebook 'business' page last Friday afternoon to explain his point of view on the situation and he is to be commended for that, in order to have that two way conversation with those interested in this topic, both inside/outside the City. View his post here. Subsequently, that was 'shared' on Facebook by Williams Lake City Councillor Craig Smith as well in addition to a number of other people. This matter was also discussed last week on the 'Scout Island Nature Centre' Facebook Group Page (click here) and the Williams Lake Stay Up to Date Facebook Group Page (click here). Finally - a "Clean Up Scout Island" Facebook page was created yesterday - click here
Williams Lake City Council will consider this matter at their meeting tomorrow evening at 6pm, firstly with a presentation from Fred McMechan, President of the Williams Lake Field Naturalists then later in the meeting, consider a report from Williams Lake City Councillor Ivan Bonnell on the same subject. In my view, you can expect to see nearly a full Council Chambers tomorrow evening for the public to hear both Mr. McMechan's presentation and the report of Councillor Bonnell on this subject/subsequent discussion of Council. Read that report here
There is also a Scout Island Management Plan in place now which was last amended in February of 2004 which speaks to this subject. View the Plan here
A couple of personal observations:
a) There is value in having a public process for updating the current Scout Island Management Plan to reflect the obviously competing values for the overall vision of Scout Island. Council may wish to obtain the services of the Fraser Basin Council or another firm who does work in facilitating land use planning which would lead into a new Scout Island Management Plan for a new 10 year period or longer. After tomorrow evening's Williams Lake City Council meeting, no matter the outcome - I would respectfully suggest it would be in the community's best interest to have a facilitated public meeting(s) of the overall vision for Scout Island in the near term and coming to a facilitated agreement on a new Scout Island Vision and subsequent Management Plan
b) In terms of City Council governance - it is well established that a local government (municipal council/regional board/board of education) should NOT conduct discussion(s) of an item(s) via email, except to conduct a email poll respecting adoption of a motion, as per BC Regulation (Regional Districts) or Best Governance Practices (Municipal Councils/Boards of Education)
Given how this issue progressed, I suspect that once Council has its' permanent CAO (Chief Administrative Officer) in place, the current debate as to how Council directs Staff for operational matters will cease.
And while some will not agree, Mayor Cobb right now is within his rights (after consulting with Council, which he did in this case), and in my humble opinion, to direct Staff on operational matters (provided money is provided for in the annual budget) on the basis that he is wearing two hats right now -- Mayor of Williams Lake and Acting Chief Administrative Officer, by virtue of Mayor Cobb's other position as Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation of the City of Williams Lake (Williams Lake City Council) as per Section 116 of the Community Charter. While the situation of Mayor Cobb being both Mayor/Acting CAO is extremely rare in BC local governments, it is not illegal, however it is the normal governance practice of local government, following best practices, that the political and administrative branches of local government are separate to keep the two roles distinct.
Note - Mayor Cobb announced at last week's WL and District Chamber of Commerce general meeting that an interim CAO is set to commence work for the City on July 11th on a part time (2 days a week) basis.
While it is great to see passion from everyone for a crown jewel like Scout Island - It is my sincere personal hope (and I suspect many in the community, both inside and outside the City would agree) that a process can be found soon to bridge the two competing visions for Scout Island and come up with a Management Plan and Vision for Scout Island that everyone can live with. Something, Scout Island advocate Jenny Noble said herself yesterday on the 'Scout Island Nature Centre' Facebook group page.
The above editorial is my own and is not reflective of my elected capacity as Electoral Area 'D' Director of the Cariboo Regional District
Saturday, June 25, 2016
Friday, June 24, 2016
Local Gov't Mtgs - Wk of June 27 - June 30th
The following local governments are meeting next week:
Quesnel - Special Open Meeting on Tuesday, June 28th at 6:15pm. Council will receive a Branding Exercise update from the City's Ec Dev Officer. View the full Agenda here
Following the meeting, a Public Hearing at 7pm in Quesnel Council Chambers (2nd Floor - 410 Kinchant St) on Tuesday, June 28th will occur. On the Agenda:
* Bylaw 1802 - Zone Amendment to C-8 Regional Shopping Centre - Recreation Centre and Accessory Dwelling Unit
View the full Agenda here
Wells - Regular Council Meeting on Tuesday, June 28th at 7pm in Wells Council Chambers (4243 Sanders Avenue). When available, the Agenda can be viewed here
School District #27 (Cariboo-Chilcotin) - Regular Board of Education Meeting on Tuesday, June 28th at 6:30pm in the SD #27 Boardroom (350 2nd Avenue, Williams Lake). When available, the Agenda can be viewed here
Williams Lake - Regular Council Meeting on Tuesday, June 28th at 6pm in WL Council Chambers (450 Mart St). On the Agenda:
* Delegations (2) -- Presentation of 2016 WL Stampede Queen and Contestants; Fred McMechan, Williams Lake Field Naturalists re Causeway Road
* 2015 Statement of Financial Information Report
* Report of Councillor Bonnell re Budget 2016 - Reallocation of Funds from General Revenue Fund to Sanitary Sewer System Fund
* Report of Councillor Bonnell re Scout Island Causeway
* Poll of Council - Donation & Installation of Totem Pole for Boitanio Park
View the full Agenda here
100 Mile House - Regular Council Meeting on Tuesday, June 28th at 7pm in 100 Mile Council Chambers (385 Birch Avenue, 100 Mile House). When available, the Agenda can be viewed here
Cariboo Regional District:
CCRHD - Regular Board Meeting on Thursday, June 30th at 9:30am in the CRD Boardroom (180D North 3rd Avenue, Williams Lake). On the Agenda:
* Hospital Consent Calendar
* Alexis Creek Outpost Hospital
* Northern Health -- NCLGA Convention 2016
View the full Agenda here
Cariboo Regional District - Regular Board Meeting on Thursday, June 30th at 9:45am in the CRD Boardroom (180D North 3rd Avenue, Williams Lake). On the Agenda:
* Various Planning Items
* Delegation at 11:30am -- Diane Nicolson, President, and Jason Quigley, EVP Stakeholder and Regulatory Affairs, HDI Amarc
* Fees for Wood Waste Disposal
* Amendment to Proposed Volunteer Chief, Deputy Chief and Training Officer Recruitment and Retention Bonus Policy
* UBCM – Call for Nominations for 2016/2017 Executive
* Consent Calendar for Receipt
* Various Committee/Commission Minutes/Recommendations
* Requests from Directors Wagner (Area H Director Initiative/Discretionary Fund) and Forseth (Area D Director Initiative Fund, Staff report for Purchase Card system for Electoral Area Directors', Meeting Request with Minister Rustad)
View the full Agenda here
Community Events This Weekend/Next Week:
Friday, June 24th - WL Stampede Queen Contestants - Speaking Competition/Fashion Show. 6pm at WL Campus - Lake City Secondary.
Saturday, June 24th - WL Stampede Queen Coronation for Queen/Princess for 2016. 5:30pm at the Pioneer Complex (350 Hodgson Road)
Sunday, June 26th - McLeese Lake Farmers Market from 9am -1 pm between the Oasis Pub and Cafe
Tuesday, June 28th - 4-8pm at the Gibraltar Room, 2nd Open House for the Atlantic Power Proposal (Burning of Rail Ties). More information here
Thursday, June 30th - 90th Williams Lake Stampede Begins. 1st Rodeo Performance at 6:45pm. More details here
Friday, July 1st - 149th Birthday of Canada. Events throughout the Cariboo-Chilcotin. Check out the web or your local newspaper for specific event details...
Quesnel - Special Open Meeting on Tuesday, June 28th at 6:15pm. Council will receive a Branding Exercise update from the City's Ec Dev Officer. View the full Agenda here
Following the meeting, a Public Hearing at 7pm in Quesnel Council Chambers (2nd Floor - 410 Kinchant St) on Tuesday, June 28th will occur. On the Agenda:
* Bylaw 1802 - Zone Amendment to C-8 Regional Shopping Centre - Recreation Centre and Accessory Dwelling Unit
View the full Agenda here
Wells - Regular Council Meeting on Tuesday, June 28th at 7pm in Wells Council Chambers (4243 Sanders Avenue). When available, the Agenda can be viewed here
School District #27 (Cariboo-Chilcotin) - Regular Board of Education Meeting on Tuesday, June 28th at 6:30pm in the SD #27 Boardroom (350 2nd Avenue, Williams Lake). When available, the Agenda can be viewed here
Williams Lake - Regular Council Meeting on Tuesday, June 28th at 6pm in WL Council Chambers (450 Mart St). On the Agenda:
* Delegations (2) -- Presentation of 2016 WL Stampede Queen and Contestants; Fred McMechan, Williams Lake Field Naturalists re Causeway Road
* 2015 Statement of Financial Information Report
* Report of Councillor Bonnell re Budget 2016 - Reallocation of Funds from General Revenue Fund to Sanitary Sewer System Fund
* Report of Councillor Bonnell re Scout Island Causeway
* Poll of Council - Donation & Installation of Totem Pole for Boitanio Park
View the full Agenda here
100 Mile House - Regular Council Meeting on Tuesday, June 28th at 7pm in 100 Mile Council Chambers (385 Birch Avenue, 100 Mile House). When available, the Agenda can be viewed here
Cariboo Regional District:
CCRHD - Regular Board Meeting on Thursday, June 30th at 9:30am in the CRD Boardroom (180D North 3rd Avenue, Williams Lake). On the Agenda:
* Hospital Consent Calendar
* Alexis Creek Outpost Hospital
* Northern Health -- NCLGA Convention 2016
View the full Agenda here
Cariboo Regional District - Regular Board Meeting on Thursday, June 30th at 9:45am in the CRD Boardroom (180D North 3rd Avenue, Williams Lake). On the Agenda:
* Various Planning Items
* Delegation at 11:30am -- Diane Nicolson, President, and Jason Quigley, EVP Stakeholder and Regulatory Affairs, HDI Amarc
* Fees for Wood Waste Disposal
* Amendment to Proposed Volunteer Chief, Deputy Chief and Training Officer Recruitment and Retention Bonus Policy
* UBCM – Call for Nominations for 2016/2017 Executive
* Consent Calendar for Receipt
* Various Committee/Commission Minutes/Recommendations
* Requests from Directors Wagner (Area H Director Initiative/Discretionary Fund) and Forseth (Area D Director Initiative Fund, Staff report for Purchase Card system for Electoral Area Directors', Meeting Request with Minister Rustad)
View the full Agenda here
Community Events This Weekend/Next Week:
Friday, June 24th - WL Stampede Queen Contestants - Speaking Competition/Fashion Show. 6pm at WL Campus - Lake City Secondary.
Saturday, June 24th - WL Stampede Queen Coronation for Queen/Princess for 2016. 5:30pm at the Pioneer Complex (350 Hodgson Road)
Sunday, June 26th - McLeese Lake Farmers Market from 9am -1 pm between the Oasis Pub and Cafe
Tuesday, June 28th - 4-8pm at the Gibraltar Room, 2nd Open House for the Atlantic Power Proposal (Burning of Rail Ties). More information here
Thursday, June 30th - 90th Williams Lake Stampede Begins. 1st Rodeo Performance at 6:45pm. More details here
Friday, July 1st - 149th Birthday of Canada. Events throughout the Cariboo-Chilcotin. Check out the web or your local newspaper for specific event details...