Thursday, June 30, 2016

CRD Board Highlights - June 30th mtg

Present: Chair Richmond; Directors Armstrong, Massier, Forseth, Kemp, Sorley, Wagner, Cash, Coakley, Sharpe, Simpson, Cobb and Campsall

Meeting called to order - 9:45am

Meeting Agenda approved/June 10th CRD Board Meeting Minutes adopted

Delegations MOB received

Development Services:

a) Planning Bylaw #5032 (Area F) was given 1st/2nd Readings
b) Planning Bylaws #5033/5034 (Area B) was given 1st/2nd Readings

c) Following a Public Hearing - the Board agreed to give Planning Bylaws #5011 (Area B), #5012/5013 (Area L) 3rd Reading

Resolved - That a letter of support be forwarded to BC Parks requesting that Heritage Island be put into the Bridge Lake Provincial Park system

d) The following DVP's were approved: #28-2016 (Area A), #32-2016 (Area G)

e) The following ALR Applications were approved: #F34-2016 (Area F), #L26-2016 (Area L)

Environmental Services:

a) The Board received a report of the Manager of Environmental Services concerning Fees for Wood Waste Disposal

Protective Services:

a) The Board approved a new Volunteer Chief, Deputy Chief and Training Officer Recruitment and Retention Bonus Policy


a) The Board received an item from UBCM re: 2016/17 Executive Call for Nominations

b) The Board endorsed a new policy concerning use of the Community Works Fund.  Approved by the following vote:

Affirmative - Directors Armstrong, Massier, Kemp, Sorley, Richmond, Wagner, Cash, Coakley, Sharpe, Simpson, Cobb and Campsall

Negative - Director S. Forseth

c) The Board received a report from the CAO concerning a 2016 UBCM Resolution for Regional District Compensation for BC Hydro Transmission Lines in Rural Areas and a 2017 NCLGA Resolution be developed on this subject

d) The Board received the Consent Calendar as of June 30th

e) The Board received a memorandum from UBCM concerning 2015 Resolutions either endorsed or referred to the UBCM Executive for follow-up

f) The Board received a letter from the Ministry of Transportation re: denial to post signage on Highway 97 to guide visitors to the Soda Creek cemetery

Meeting recessed at 10:47am
Meeting resumed at 11:00am

Committee/Commission Minutes/Recommendations:

a) The Board received the June 8th Esler Recreation Commission meeting minutes and endorsed 3 Recommendations from that meeting (Proposed Capital Projects - Esler Recreation; Esler Recreation Appointments and Renewal of Use and Occupancy Licences)

b) The Board received the amended version of the June 9th Committee of the Whole meeting minutes and endorsed a number of recommendations from that meeting including:

1) Additions to Work Plan
2) Compensation from BC Hydro Transmission Lines
3) Staff review of the report entitled “A Review of Current Service Delivery Arrangements and Issues Related to Governance in the Interlakes Area of the CRD”
4) CRD Asset Management Policy Draft
5) Rural Dividend Fund

Resolved - That a discussion around the Rural Dividend takes place at the September Committee of the Whole meeting

c) The Board received the June 13th South Cariboo Joint Committee meeting minutes, deferred the recommendation concerning South Cariboo Recreation Fees and Charges Bylaw – Recreation Pass Consideration to the July 22nd Board meeting to consult with SD27.  Deferral approved by the following vote:

Affirmative - Chair Richmond; Directors Armstrong, Massier, Forseth, Kemp, Sorley, Wagner, Cash, Sharpe, Simpson, and Cobb

Negative - Directors Campsall/Coakley

and endorsed a recommendation concerning Marten Exeter Hall Architectural Review and Concept Plans

Corporate Bylaws:

a) The Board adopted the following Bylaws:

1) Quesnel Fringe Area Fire Protection Boundary Amendment Bylaw No. 5026, 2016

2) Cariboo Regional District Electoral Area “D” Economic Development Service Amendment Bylaw No. 5028, 2016

3) 103 Mile Water System Service Boundary Amendment Bylaw No. 5037, 2016

Directors' Requests:

1) At the request of Director Wagner -- the Board authorized $120 in Electoral Area H Director Initiative Funds to rent the Forest Grove community hall for a Fire Smart presentation and $300 in Electoral Area H Discretionary Funds for fuel costs to tour and gain knowledge from a tourism perspective of the back road to Clearwater from the Mahood Lake Road

2) At the request of Director Forseth - the Board authorized waiver of Policy #11-11A-12(3) be waived and $500 was approved from the Electoral Area ‘D’ Director Initiative Fund and the funds be forwarded to the McLeese Lake Recreation Commission as a financial contribution towards an event to honour the former President of the McLeese Lake Recreation Commission

Director Anderson joined the meeting via teleconference at 11:30am


Diane Nicolson, President, and Jason Quigley, EVP Stakeholder and Regulatory Affairs, HDI Amarc, appeared before the Board to provide an update on mining exploration in the Chilcotin area.

A Question/Answer period ensued

Chair Richmond, on behalf of the Board, thanked the delegation for their time/information

Meeting recessed for lunch at 11:55am - Director Anderson left the meeting
Meeting resumed at 12:30pm

3) At the request of Director Forseth - the Board authorized Chair Richmond to urgently contact Aboriginal Relations/Reconciliation Minister John Rustad as soon as possible to request that he attend a meeting with Directors' in the months of July or August to discuss the lack of genuine public consultation following the Feb 9th NSTQ Stage 4 vote for residents of Pacific Rd in Wildwood and to discuss the Nanqay Dene Accord. Further, that MLA Oakes and MLA Barnett or their representatives be invited to attend this meeting and should the meeting not take place prior to September 1st, then Staff be authorized to request an emergency meeting with Minister Rustad at UBCM in Victoria in late September along with the member muncipalities

Directors' reported out on activities in their Electoral Area/Muncipality

Resolved - That the previous appointment of Uli Widdel to the Electoral Area F Advisory Planning Commission, be rescinded.

The Board adjourned at 1:29pm

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