Friday, June 17, 2016

Local Gov't Mtgs - Wk of June 20-24

Of the 7 Local Governments in the Cariboo- Chilcotin -- only Quesnel City Council meets next week -- Tuesday, June 21st at 7pm

On the Agenda:

* Delegation -- Economic Development Officer Amy Reid re: City of Quesnel Recipient of British Columbia Economic Development Association Award

* Committee Reports
* Proposed 2016 UBCM Resolutions for endorsement
* Political Campaign Sign Bylaw
* Potential New Statutory Reserves
* Billy Barker Casino - Encroachment Agreement
* West Quesnel Land Stability Phase II - Expanding Scope of Work
* Quesnel Billy Barker Days Society - Request for Moratorium on LeBourdais Park Development
* Baker Creek Enhancement Society - Request for Letter for Support - Grant Application

The full Agenda can be viewed here.

Community Events this weekend/next week:


McLeese Lake -- Farmers Market on Sunday, June 19th from 9am - 1pm between the Oasis Pub and Cafe

McLeese Lake - Father's Day Quad Ride/Pig Roast from 1-7pm on Sunday, June 19th.  McLeese Lake Community Hall.  Dinner by donation at 5pm.

Williams Lake -- WL Stampede Queen Contestants Family/Child Tea on Sunday, June 19th from 1-3pm at Marie Sharpe Elementary.  More details here


Williams Lake -- Annual Aboriginal Day Celebrations on Tuesday, June 21st.  More details here

Quesnel - Annual Aboriginal Day Celebrations on Tuesday, June 21st at Helen Dixon Centre (downtown Quesnel) from 10am - 2:30pm


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