Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Quesnel Council Highlights - June 21st mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

City Wins Award – Healthcare Recruitment 

The City of Quesnel was honoured with the Community Project Award (Population <20 a="" and="" are="" arrive="" association="" at="" awards="" banquet="" been="" before="" british="" by="" cariboo="" carpet="" chilcotin="" chrysler="" city="" columbia="" community="" contracted="" coordinator.="" council="" development="" directors="" district.="" district="" doctors="" economic="" end="" five="" for="" funded="" has="" health="" healthcare="" hospital="" in="" involving="" is="" mainly="" mayor="" medical="" more="" nbsp="" new="" nine="" northern="" of="" over="" past="" paulsen="" placed="" program.="" program="" project="" quesnel="" recruitment="" red="" regency="" regional="" s="" scheduled="" span="" susan="" team="" the="" this="" to="" true="" welcome="" year.="" year="">

Political Campaign Signs

Council asked staff to bring forward a Political Campaign Sign bylaw that may allow each candidate a restricted number of campaign signs, where and for how long these signs can be installed on publicly-owned lands.  The regulations would apply to federal, provincial, local government and school district elections (including referendums) and are thought to:

- Create equal opportunity for all candidates

- Maintain community aesthetics

- Promote environmental sustainability

- Reduce administrative burden and costs

- Reduce campaign workload and potential conflict

Potential New Statutory Reserves

Council approved the first three readings of a bylaw that, once passed, would create three new statutory reserves:  Water Capital – $3.4 million; Sewer Capital - $2 million and Gas Tax Funds - $2.65 million.  These funds have already been collected and set aside for future capital requirements.  In addition to the new Statutory Reserves, the City will retain one year’s operational expenses for both water ($910,000) and sewer ($770,000) in surplus.    A statutory reserve better reflects the nature of the funds being set aside for capital and planning projects that meet the requirements of Gas Tax funds.  The City receives approximately $475,000 in Gas Tax funds annually and historically has been allocated to trails, building upgrades, and solid waste management.  Council referred to the Financial Sustainability and Audit Committee how Gas Tax funds may be allocated in the future and to bring forward any policy changes for Council’s consideration.

Billy Barker Days Casino Hotel – Development Permit/Encroachment Agreement

Council approved, as part of a development permit review, the Billy Barker Casino Hotel to occupy two parking spaces via an extension of the sidewalk on Barlow Avenue that will accommodate the encroaching front entrance and façade of the building.  The development permit also includes the Proponent voluntarily developing the adjacent parking lot to the Billy Barker Casino Hotel by paving and creating approximately 41 lined-marked parking stalls that includes 3 accessible stalls that will be located in close proximity to the building’s entrance.  

West Quesnel Land Stability Project Phase II – Expanded Scope of Work

While still remaining within the original total budget for the West Quesnel Land Stability Project Phase II (“Project”) of $8,475,153, Council approved expanding the scope of work for the Project to include:

-    Extending the storm drainage and road works project to include Abbott Drive from Flamingo Avenue to Dawson Avenue

-    Replacing the water mainline on Abbott Drive from Flamingo Avenue to Dawson Avenue;

-    Extending the storm drainage and road works to include Anderson Drive from Abbott Drive to Wade Street.


Bylaw 1803 – Secondary Suite (Vacant Lots 4&5/Nickel Ridge Ave) – Final Adoption

Bylaw 1804 – New Statutory Reserves – First, Second and Third Readings

Bylaw 1805 – Multi Family Housing Incentives – Third Reading


Next Meetings

- 7:00 pm – June 28, 2016 – Regular Council Meeting

- 7:00 pm – July 26, 2016 – Regular Council Meeting

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