Thursday, June 9, 2016

Quesnel Council Highlights - June 8th mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Bowling Alley/Mini Golf Recreation Centre

Council was briefed on the June 1, 2016 Public Consultation, hosted by the Developer, regarding the proposed 13,000 ft2 recreational facility that will offer twelve bowling lanes, 18-hole black light mini golf, food concession, a primary liquor license and an accessory dwelling unit proposed for the corner of Racing Road and Valhalla Road.  There were approximately 25 attendees with input being overwhelming positive regarding this proposed Development.  Council passed second reading of the zone amendment bylaw and scheduled a Public Hearing for 7 p.m. on June 28, 2016 at City Hall Council Chambers.

Hudson Bay Building

Council approved a five year lease renewal for the Hudson Bay Building, located on the corner of Front Street and Carson Avenue, to the Quesnel Crafters Society who have operated a gift shop for a number of years.  Rent for the first year is $5116 and includes a 2% inflationary rate for subsequent years.

Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program

Council gave staff the go ahead to submit a grant application to the Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program for a proposed $500,000 revitalization project for LeBourdais Park that would see the City contributing 50% of the total costs.  The project would include $180,000 for upgrades to the existing playground, $120,000 for museum renovations and $200,000 for upgrades to the existing parking lot/sidewalk.  The City’s 50% portion would be allocated from the City’s Capital Reinvestment Fund.

Business Façade Improvement Program for 2016 

Staff updated Council regarding the 2016 Business Façade Improvement Program where $40,000 in grant funding has been approved by the Northern Development Initiative Trust.  There are eight applicants, all in the downtown core, that have been approved and will receive up to $5,000 in funding once all requirements of the program have been completed.  Grant funding remains and staff encourage additional applications as historically dollars have remained due to applicants not completing façade projects.  This program is administered by the City, and each eligible Business Façade Improvement project is funded through a grant from the Northern Development Initiative Trust with the property owner contributing the other 50%.  Contact the Development Services department for more information at (250) 992-2111.  

Heritage and Museum Select Committee Appointments

Council approved the following appointments to the Heritage and Museum Select Committee:  Honey Affleck, Judy Anderson, Alicia Hjorth, Mary Lust, John Massier, Lori McKee and Poonam Miglani.  In additional to these members, Councillor Ron Paull and the Museum and Heritage Manager, Elizabeth Hunter, also sit on this committee.

Housing Agreement – Quesnel Lions Housing Society

Council heard how a Housing Agreement must be obtained from the Quesnel Lions Housing Society should the proposed Seniors’ Affordable Housing development receive final approval and funding.  Council will require an agreement to state that 30% of the units must be below market rent are provided to seniors or person with disabilities
The proposed development is for 30-units with 11 parking spaces.  The Public Hearing for this proposed development is scheduled for 7 pm on June 28, 2016 at City Hall Council Chambers.

Quesnel Downtown Association – 25th Anniversary

Council approved, with provisions, a roadway closure of the back alley between St. Laurent Avenue and Barlow Street behind Tim Horton’s to the Holley Medical Clinic on June 18, 2016 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. to allow the Quesnel Downtown Association to host a Celebration Sale and Scavenger Hunt to celebrate the Association’s 25th Anniversary. 


Bylaw 1801 – Solid Waste and Disposal Amendment – Final Adoption

Bylaw 1802 – Mini Golf/Bowling Alley Recreation Centre (Racing Rd/Valhalla Rd) – Second Reading as Amended/Public Hearing Date 7 pm on June 21 at City Hall

Bylaw 1803 – Secondary Suite (Vacant Lots 4&5/Nickel Ridge Ave) – Third Reading

Next Meetings

- 5:30 pm - June 14, 2016 – North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee

- 7:00 pm – June 21, 2016 – Regular Council Meeting

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