Friday, July 1, 2016

Steve's Meeting/Expense Calendar - June 2016

In the month of June 2016  - I attended the following events:

* June 1st: Meeting with Xat'sull First Nations Band Administrator Eric Pelkey about road maintenance concerns

* June 9th: Committee of the Whole meeting in Bouchie Lake (west of Quesnel)
* June 10th: CRD Board Meeting in Bouchie Lake
* June 14th: Attended a meeting with CRD Chair Al Richmond with Xat'sull First Nations Chief/Council

* June 20th: Meeting with Wildwood Community Association
* June 21st: Aboriginal Day event in Boitanio Park
* June 23rd: WL Chamber of Commerce General Meeting
* June 25th: "Bids for Kids" Fundraising Event for Punky Lake Camp Society
* June 30th: CRD Board Meeting and Area 'D' Advisory Planning Commission meeting

For Expenses submitted in the month of June 2016:

* Round trip mileage to attend meetings in Bouchie Lake for CRD Board Meetings on June 9/10 -- $127.20

* June 10/30  -- CRD Board Meetings -- $370
* June 9 -- CRD Committee of the Whole Session - $120


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