Tuesday, August 16, 2016

WL Council Highlights - Aug 16th mtg

Present: Mayor Cobb; Councillors Bonnell, Nelson, Ryll, Walters and Zacharias

Meeting called to order at 6:01pm
Meeting Agenda approved/Mins of the July 19th, 2016 WL Council meeting adopted

Mayor Cobb acknowledged that the meeting is taking place on traditional Shuswap territory

Delegations/Presentations - None


1) Council received for information the accounts payable computer cheque listings dated July 21, 28, 29, August 4, 10 and 11, 2016

Councillor Zacharias declared a conflict of interest on the next item and left Council Chambers at 6:02pm

2) Council agreed to support the Cariboo Community Church’s request for a permissive tax exemption for the property located at 35 Oliver Street, legally described as Lot 1, District Lot 71, Cariboo District, Plan PGP42291, and Staff were directed to prepare an amendment to Williams Lake Permissive Tax Exemption Bylaw No 2238, 2015 to include this property’s land and improvements under Schedule D effective for 2017.

Councillor Zacharias returned to the meeting at 6:06pm

3) Council adopted an email poll approving a front canopy encroachment agreement with Thomas and Ulrike Wittal on Lot 7, District Lot 8816, Cariboo District, Plan 7290 at 28 Broadway Avenue North, with all costs associated with registration of this execution and registration being the responsibility of the property owner

4) Council ratified a Central Cariboo/City of WL Joint Committee recommendation as follows:

a) That pursuant to Central Cariboo / City of Williams Lake Joint Committee Report #06-2016 and the report of the Director of Community Services dated July 13, 2016, the City and Cariboo Regional District enter into the Community Partnership Agreement with the Cariboo Mountain Bike Consortium and the Williams Lake Cycling Club and the appropriate signatories be authorized to sign the Agreement on behalf of the City.

5) Council accepted the street naming application from Don Buchanan and approved adding the name "Buchanan" to the list of approved names for consideration in future street naming processes.

6) Council received the July 20th meeting minutes of the Central Cariboo/City of WL Joint Committee

7) Council approved 3 Proclamations as follows:

a) International Day of Older Persons - October 1st, 2016
b) World Cerebral Palsy Day - October 5th, 2016
c) World Mental Health Day - October 10th, 2016

8) Council received the 'Council Information Package' as of August 16th, 2016 as follows:

• July 22, 2016 - CRD Board Highlights;
• August 2, 2016 - Joint News Release re local governments to host Chinese martial arts performances.

Members of Council gave oral reports on their recent activities

Meeting adjourned at 6:20pm

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