Tuesday, August 30, 2016

WL Council Highlights - Aug 30th mtg

Present: Mayor Cobb; Councillors Bonnell, Nelson, Smith, Walters and Zacharias

Meeting called to order at 6pm
Meeting Agenda approved/Mins of the Aug 16th WL City Council meeting adopted


1) Council received for information the accounts payable computer cheque listings dated August 18, 24 and 25, 2016

2) Council approved travel expenses for Mayor Cobb to attend the Northern Mayors & Regional District Chairs Roundtable on September 9, 2016 in Prince George, BC.

3) Council authorized registration, travel, accommodation and associated expenses for the Mayor, Council and Staff to attend the 2016 Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) Annual Convention from September 26 to 30, 2016 in Victoria, BC at an approximate cost per person of $3,198.00 excluding applicable taxes.

4) Council approved the North End Industrial Revitalization Tax Exemption application from Inland Diesel Ltd. for their new truck and trailer dealership at 4600 Collier Place, and authorize entering into a North End Industrial Revitalization Tax Exemption Agreement at "Class 1" with Inland Diesel Ltd.

5) Council approved the North End Industrial Revitalization Tax Exemption application from Northern Vac Services Ltd. for their expanded business and manufacturing building at 4665 Collier Place, and authorize entering into a North End Industrial Revitalization Tax Exemption Agreement at "Class 3" with Northern Vac Services Ltd

6) Council ratified an email poll authorizing the Williams Lake Rugby Football Club to hold a parade on Saturday, August 27, 2016 at 10:00 AM, commencing at City Hall and proceeding down Borland Street and right onto Third Avenue North to Marie Sharpe Elementary School, in honour of Kayla Moleschi’s bronze medal win at the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio

7) Council adopted several Committee of the Whole recommendations as follows:

a) The City of Williams Lake endorse the Tick Tock Find me a Doc program and work with the Central Interior Rural Division (CIRD) of Family Practice in promoting this campaign.

b) Letters be written to the Minister of Forest Lands and Natural Resource Operations and the Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure acknowledging their correspondence dated June 30 and July 20, 2016 advising they will not be participating in a multi-agency River Valley Transportation Plan; and further, that Council inquire as to their plans in finding a long-term solution for access to this subdivision.

c) Council consider and direct Staff to undertake the following projects:

Review sewer related bylaws, for the purposes of updating those bylaws, and bring recommendations to Council for consideration;
Analyze current sources of sewer revenue and payer fairness across sewer system users; and
Detail the option of introducing a separate storm sewer fee if this will increase payer fairness.

d) The report of the Director of Development Services dated July 25, 2016 regarding information on the adding the Soda Creek Road to the Pavement Rehabilitation and Waterworks 2016 Contract be received and this project be referred to the 2017 budget process.

8) At the request of the Williams Lake Stampeders Hockey Club - Council approved Special Occasion Liquor Licenses on October 15, 22, 29, November 26, December 3 and 10, 2016 and January 29, 2017 at the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex

9) Council authorized the Child Development Centre's Inaugural Princess Ball on October 1, 2016

10) Council proclaimed the following:

a) October 16 to 22, 2016 - National Teen Driver Safety Week
b) September 2016 - Prostate Cancer Awareness Month
c) September 9th, 2016 - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Awareness Day

11) Council approved accommodation and associated expenses for Councillor Jason Ryll to attend the BC Ferry Working Group Meeting being held in Vancouver, BC on September 6, 2016.

12) Council received the 'Council Information Package' as of August 30th as follows:

• August 15, 2016 - News Release re new NDIT CEO starting in October

Mayor Cobb reported to Council that he would forward a letter of welcome to the new NDIT CEO, Joel McKay

Members of Council gave oral reports as to their recent activities

Meeting adjourned at 6:32pm

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