Friday, September 23, 2016

CRD Board Highlights - Sept 22/23rd Meetings

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

Update From Barkerville Heritage Trust
         The Barkerville Heritage Trust gave a presentation at the Cariboo Regional District’s (CRD) Committee of the Whole meeting. Chief Executive Officer Ed Coleman and Commerce, Partnerships & Givings Officer Kiley Sales highlighted their efforts to partner with donors to execute projects that will further the authentic, unique, world-class heritage experience in Barkerville. Some examples of these projects are campground upgrades, new cottages, Visitor Reception Centre upgrades, a new shelter building and upgrades to the Chinese & Richfield cemetery.

CRD Moves To Acquire Lexington Water System 
         Residents on the Lexington Water System were informally surveyed and 86 per cent were in favour of the development of an improved local water system owned and operated by the CRD. The Board thus decided to begin a formal petition process with local residents towards the acquisition of the Lexington Water Improvement District water system.

Board Sends Letter To Agricultural Land Commission
         The Board of Directors will be sending a letter to the Agricultural Land Commission for further explanation about their regulations. The Board will be asking for clarification on the regulation about acceptable use of trees in the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR), for a clear definition of “agro-forestry” and an update on foreign ownership. Clarification on these topics will help the Board make decisions on ALR applications.

Resolution About BCAS Policy Going To UBCM
         Following up from the last Board meeting, the CRD Electoral Area Directors are taking a last-minute resolution to the Union of B.C. Municipalities (UBCM) conference next week regarding BC Ambulance Service (BCAS) policy changes. The resolution asks UBCM to lobby the provincial government to establish a system for the replacement of oxygen and other consumables used in the provision of emergency health care by first responders to patients of the British Columbia Ambulance Service.

CRD Directors To Attend 2016 Nation2Nation Forum
         Electoral Area Directors were authorized to attend the 2016 Nation2Nation (N2N) Community Forum to be held in Williams Lake on November 17 and 18. The Board is looking forward to participating in this opportunity to discuss ways to build economic partnerships and joint ventures with local First Nations. The N2N Forum will bring industry, contractors, local government and First Nations together to networks and identify a framework to address economic priorities while working in partnership on resource development in First Nations territories.

Chinese Consul General Thanks The CRD
         The CRD Board received a letter of appreciation from H.E. LIU Fei, Consul General of the People’s Republic of China in Vancouver regarding the recent Chinese martial arts performing tour of the Shaolin Epo Martial Arts School. The Consul General expressed, “The Chinese martial arts performing tour has been a great opportunity for the Central Interior of BC to learn more about Chinese culture and thus further strengthen our relations. I wish it would mark a new start in our bilateral political, economic and cultural exchanges and cooperation in the coming years.”

Mount Timothy Ski Society Receives Funding
         Ryan Wonnacott, President of the Mount Timothy Ski Society Board of Directors, gave an update to the Cariboo Regional District Board about the society’s recent staffing changes and updates to their business plan along with a request for funding. The Board approved funding for energy efficiency and water improvement projects at the Mount Timothy ski facility. The works will include installation of roof insulation, new windows and exterior doors, UV filtration to improve water safety, upgraded lighting and improved heating systems. Up to $49,000 was allocated to this project.

Concerns Raised With Maintenance On Pay Phones
         The CRD Board will be sending a letter to the Canadian Radio and Television Commission and Telus to emphasize the importance of pay phone maintenance in rural areas.

Board On The Road In Wells
         The CRD had a great Board on the Road visit to Wells for their Committee of the Whole and Board Meetings. The visit included beautiful fall weather and a delicious community BBQ hosted by the Wells and Area Community Association. Over 100 people attended the barbecue and visited with the elected officials. The CRD will be making a donation to the Wells and Area Community Association in appreciation for hosting the barbecue. The Board also toured the new Wells-Barkerville-Bowron Medical Clinic.

UBCM Conference Next Week
         The CRD Board is headed to Victoria next week for the Union of B.C. Municipalities conference and will meet with Minister’s and provincial government ministries to discuss regional concerns. Follow the CRD’s Facebook page at for updates on UBCM activities.

Next Meetings: 
Committee of the Whole – Oct. 13, 2016
CRD Board Meeting – Oct. 14, 2016

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