Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Day 2 of UBCM 2016

Today is Day 2 of the 2016 Union of BC Muncipalities Convention.  First up, Various Clinics including:

* Community Water Fluoridation
* Open Season on Integrity - Hunting for the Right Solution in BC
* Reducing Liability Exposure for Local Governments
* Regulatory Changes Affecting Agri-Tourism in BC
* UBCM/FCM - Local Connections around the World

Then, elected officials will be attending a forum to discuss the communities' challenges.  Forums include Electoral Areas, Mid-Sized Communities and Large Urban Communities, followed up with Forum Lunches

In the afternoon - more clinics for elected officials to take in and then in the evening, the Welcoming Reception from 6:30pm - 8:30pm

Also - various elected officials and their accompanying staff will be attending either Cabinet Minister or Ministry Staff Meetings during the day

For myself - the only meeting today with Provincial Ministry Staff will be a meeting with Ministry of Education Staff to discuss transferring the former Wildwood Elementary school property back to the local Wildwood Community Association

Enjoy your day,


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