Thursday, September 29, 2016

Day 4 of UBCM 2016

Today is Day 4 of the 2016 Union of BC Muncipalities Convention.  After morning clinics which include:

* Emergency Mgmt BC Update
* Performance Audits in Local Gov't (Auditor-General for Local Gov't)
* Stretch-Code: A New Tool for Better Buildings
* Targeting Irresponsible Dog/Cat Breeders
* Working Together to Prevent Wildfires in BC

John Horgan, BC NDP Leader/Leader of the Official Opposition will address UBCM Delegates, then the Resolutions Debate will continue until noon, then a delegate lunch will take place

In the afternoon - policy sessions will take place and a Greater Victoria Harbour Tour will be available to delegate to take in

Finally - the annual UBCM Reception/Banquet Dinner will take place in the evening

For meetings today -- again, I have two with the Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development Staff for Community Gaming Grant Program/Crown Grants

Have a great day,


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