Friday, September 9, 2016

NCLGA Mayors/Chairs Meet today!

Today, Mayors/RD Chairs' in the North Central Local Government Association (NCLGA) Region will be meeting in Prince George to discuss the following topics:

* Economic Development
* Social Responsibility 
* Environmental Stewardship
* Conclusion: Northern Priorities and Perspectives/Next Steps 

The meeting will be co-chaired by Prince George Mayor Lyn Hall and NCLGA President (and Quesnel City Councillor) Laurey-Anne Roodenburg

The purpose of the meeting is two-fold:

a) To identify common challenges and highlight opportunities where information sharing and/or cooperation within the region would be mutually beneficial

b) To decide future roundtable formatting, content and timing to make best use of your schedules and resources.

To read the letter from Mayor Hall to Kitimat-Stikine RD Chair Stacy Tyers - click here

I have asked the NCLGA Board to give consideration of a future Electoral Area Directors' only Forum to discuss mutual issues within the 44 Electoral Areas of the NCLGA Region and have received assurances that it will be brought forward for consideration of the NCLGA Board

I look forward to hearing from Cariboo RD Chair Al Richmond, when he reports to the CRD Board of Directors' as to what transpired at this meeting at a future date


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