Saturday, September 10, 2016

Oakes to seek a 2nd Term

Yesterday - Coralee Oakes, the MLA for Cariboo-North and BC's Minister of Small Business and Red Tape Reduction & Minister Responsible for the Liquor Distribution Branch announced that she would be seeking a 2nd Term. 

As a Cariboo Regional District Electoral Area Director whose own Electoral Area (Area 'D') which mirrors a fair chunk of her provincial riding, I have been most appreciative of her office's assistance on a number of files affecting my own constituents and I very much look forward to seeing her re-elected next May.

Coralee Oakes Official Statement:

The last few days have been a flurry of activities. After conversations with my family and leadership circle, I am pleased to announce that I am seeking the BC Liberal nomination for Cariboo North. The next provincial election is May 2017 and I hope to have the privilege to continue to represent the fine citizens of the Cariboo for another four years.

It is a true honour to work with an amazing team under the leadership of Premier Christy Clark. I have great respect for my colleagues, who I am proud to call friends, and I am grateful for their incredible support and advice. Their work ethic, values and shared commitment to our Province is unwavering. It has been wonderful to have the Premier here regularly (three times this year) and it was fantastic to host the entire cabinet and all of the BC Liberal caucus in Cariboo North this June.

The Cariboo is my home. As the MLA for Cariboo North, I have had the opportunity to meet with so many amazing citizens. Hearing their ideas and passion for opportunities in our community. I have also shared more than a few tears with constituents when there are difficulties to overcome. I believe we can and should always be striving to improve and overcome obstacles.

There is much work to do. Every time I return home from representing our community in Vancouver or Victoria, I still feel like I did as a college student when driving home on break; that overwhelming sense of being home and belonging. The Cariboo has been very good to me, I feel a strong sense of purpose and I hope to continue to earn the trust of our community.

Immediately after my announcement, my first stop was the Quesnel Legion. It is an important organization in our community.

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