Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Quesnel Council Highlights - Sept 6th mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Miss Quesnel Self Development Program

Mayor Simpson and Councillor Roodenburg provided plaques for outgoing 2015 Miss Quesnel Royalty members, Telise Gauthier (Miss Quesnel 2015), Courtney Moore, Maneesha Johal (2015 Princesses).  Incoming 2016 Royalty members, Alexis Poulin (Miss Quesnel 2016) and Emma deBlois and Erica Vahaaho (2016 Princesses) were recognized and presented with a rose from Council.  The Royalty members thanked Council for their continued support and for the many opportunities this self-development program provides for youth in the City.

City of Quesnel – Approved as a Living Wage Employer

The City’s application to become a Living Wage Employer has been approved by the Employers Committee of the Living Wage for Families Campaign.  Council approved the City’s new Living Wage Policy that can be viewed at Quesnel/Council/AgendaMinutesPolicies/2016/Policies/Council-Finance).  Next steps include incorporating Living Wage language into the City’s two collective bargaining agreements and contracts for 120 hours or more/year.  This will result in most City employees and City contractors (while working for the City) paying employees, at a minimum, the calculated Living Wage of $16.52/hour including non-mandatory benefits.  

City’s Water Quality

Council heard from the City’s Utilities Superintendent that Health Canada has proposed new drinking water guidelines around manganese.  Manganese located in well water is a common issue in the Cariboo region.  Council was apprised of the two most common complaints received by the City concerning the City’s drinking water around manganese and sulfur-smelling water. Manganese (black sediment) can be dealt with by:

-    Installing an inline standard filter cartridge to remove manganese and sediment.  This may not remove all the manganese, however it will greatly improve aesthetic quality;

-    Installing a household water softener;

-    Installing a reverse osmosis system for drinking water.

Homes/businesses that have recently updated new taps or plumbing fixtures can sometimes have sulfur smelling water that can be addressed by:

-    Replace the feed lines with metal tubing such as copper or alternatively clean the lines with sodium hypochlorite (household bleach), then rinse and reinstall.


Gook Road Sanitary Sewer Project Update

The Gook Road Sanitary Sewer extension project will commence this month and is anticipated that all mainline work and services will be completed this fall with residents able to connect to the system in the spring of 2017.  Re-paving of Dragon Lake Road will completed in the spring of 2017.  This project will take 22 septic systems off of the Dragon Lake Water Corridor and into the City’s sewage collection system having a positive health/environment impact for this water shed.  This is a Cariboo Regional District project mainly impacting City of Quesnel residents.

City’s Proposed Political Campaign Sign – Public Consultation Summary Results

192 responses were received from the public survey with the following results compiled for the proposed Political Campaign Sign Bylaw restrictions:

-    68% agree, or strongly agree, to restrict political campaign signs in the City.

-    66% agree that six (6) political campaign signs per candidate is sufficient political signage, or too much signage, to be displayed throughout the City during an election/referendum.

-    70% believe erecting signs 30 days before and removing 3 days following an election/referendum is an adequate amount of time to display/remove political signage.

West Fraser Timber Park – Trail Enhancement
Council approved $10,000 towards trail enhancements of the Main Trail at West Fraser Timber Park.  Partnering this initiative is the Baker Creek Enhancement Society, Mr. Scott Trueman, Cross Country Running Coach for Correlieu Secondary School/Quesnel Junior School, local businesses that donate building materials and local citizens who volunteer their time.   These trail enhancements will benefit the general public and the possibility for Quesnel schools to host the BC High School Zone Cross Country Running Championships on October 22, 2016 at West Fraser Timber Park. 


-    Bylaw 1808 – Political Campaign Sign – Second/Third

Bylaw 1809 – Permissive Tax Exemptions - First/Second/Third

Next Meetings

-    5:30 pm – September 13, 2016 – North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee

-    7 pm – September 20, 2016 - Regular Council Meeting

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