Tuesday, September 20, 2016

UBCM 2016 Convention Program now available!

Yesterday - the Union of BC Muncipalities or UBCM made available the full Convention program to its' membership (local governments).  There is also a pocket version of the program.  Both of which you can view here

Other than the usual speeches, Resolution Debates, various Lunches and networking opportunities in the evening - the most important portion of the Convention Program to UBCM Delegates will be the morning and afternoon clinics during the 2016 UBCM Convention.  Such clinics include:

* Community Water Fluoridation
* Open Season on Integrity: Hunting for the Right Solution in BC
* Is Drought in Your Future? Provincial and Local Government Response and Preparedness
* BC Local Government’s $200 Billion Infrastructure Challenge

Many delegates, myself included, will be looking over all of the clinics available over the next few days and deciding which ones to attend so that delegates attending together from a local government (municipal council or regional district) can try to hit them all (or as many as reasonably possible) and catch up in the evening or the day after with each other with the notes from those clinics so attended


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