Tuesday, September 13, 2016

WL Council Highlights - Sept 13th mtg

Present: Mayor Cobb; Councillors Bonnell, Nelson (via teleconference), Ryll, Smith, Walters and Zacharias

Meeting called to order at 6pm and Mayor Cobb acknowledged that the meeting was taking place on Traditional Shuswap Territory

Meeting Agenda & Mins of the August 30th City Council Meeting adopted


1) Laura Klassen and Linda Evans from Community Living BC appeared before Council to request approval of a "Community Living Month" Proclamation

A Question/Answer period ensued
Mayor Cobb, on behalf of Council, thanked the delegation for their time/information

Resolved - That October 2016 be proclaimed "Community Living Month" in the City of Williams Lake


1) Council received for information the accounts payable computer cheque listings for the periods ending August 31, September 1, 8 and 9, 2016

2) Council ratified an email poll authorizing the Williams Lake Daybreak Rotary Club Special Occasion Liquor License for the 2nd Annual A-Pork-Alypse II Dinner and Dance on Saturday, September 17th, 2016 from 5:00 pm to 11:00 pm at the Let 'R Buck Saloon at the Williams Lake Stampede Grounds, pursuant to City policy and subject to RCMP approval'

3) Council received a report of the Recreation Coordinator concerning the Fall Harvest Run & Event being held on October 16, 2016

4) Council agreed to receive the presentation concerning the TD Friends of the Environment Fund and express appreciation to the Williams Lake Field Naturalists for bringing the opportunity to the attention of the City; and Council requested Staff to present details of the children's fishing wharf and boardwalk in the respective department's project listings for consideration of inclusion in the 2017 draft budget, pending response from BC Rail on land acquisition

5) Council adopted a number of recommendations from its' September 6th Committee of the Whole Session as follows:

a) The City of Williams Lake endorse the Tl’etinqox (Anaham) Youth Initiative & Youth 4 Leaders (Y4L) Summit to be held on November 2 to 4, 2016 in Williams Lake, and Council support this event by donating a prize, promoting on the City’s website and social media sites, and providing a Council representative to provide a welcome; and further, sponsorship options be referred to the Finance Committee for consideration.

b) The City of Williams Lake endorse the Nation2Nation Forum to be held on November 17 & 18, 2016 in Williams Lake, and that sponsorship options be referred to the Finance Committee for consideration

c) Council approve use of the Nature Centre lower floor for a kindergarten classroom in partnership between the Williams Lake Field Naturalists and Cariboo Chilcotin School District 27, subject to:

Insurance must be amended to name kindergarten use and to save harmless the City and Nature Trust of BC from claims resulting from operation of a public school classroom;
Agreements must be in place to provide daily caretaking and the additional maintenance services resulting from daily school use;
Contributions must be in place for the additional utility charges (power, heat, water) resulting from daily school classroom use;
Agreement for addition of kindergarten use is required from the property owner, Nature Trust of BC;
Confirmation that the main floor of the Nature Centre is still used for public displays, is open for community booking, and for an assortment of nature education programming;
The kindergarten class will occupy the lower floor previously operated as a preschool and is considered same use under terms of the zoning and building bylaws; and
Fire safety upgrades are required prior to public school classroom use, per the September 1, 2016 Fire Department Inspection Report;

and further, the City of Williams Lake will assume the costs of the safety upgrades to the Nature Centre for the purposes of the 2016-2017 kindergarten program.

d) Council meet as Committee of Whole Council for 2017 budget deliberations, to be chaired by the Chair of the Finance Committee; further, during budget deliberations, the Chairs of the various Committees will present their respective departmental budgets with appropriate staff in attendance.

e) The report from the Chief Financial Officer dated August 29, 2016 regarding the 2017 Financial Plan be received and referred to the Finance Committee for further consideration and bring forward financial projection goal options for 2017 to Committee of Whole Council for recommendation back to Council; and further the budget meetings will be held in an open and transparent manner.

f) Council support the proposed changes to the parking times on Borland Street and Seventh Avenue as follows:

Remove the RV Parking on Borland Street and return parking in this area to two-hour parking; and
Change one-hour parking on Seventh Avenue north of Borland Street to two-hour parking.

6) At the request of Potato House Sustainable Community Society - Council authorized both the Halloween Costume Parade on Monday, October 31, 2016 at 5:30 PM and a letter of support to the National Trust of Canada's "This Place Matters" program for a $40,000 crowdsource competition towards the 2017 Halloween Downtown Door to Door Event.

7) Council received the 'Council Information Package' as of September 13th, as follows:

• August 26, 2016 - CRD Board Highlights

Members of Council provided oral reports on their recent activities

Resolved - That public notice of a Special In-Camera Meeting be waived as per Section 127(4) of the Community Charter and that the In-Camera Meeting be held, following adjournment of the Open Council Meeting, under the provisions of Section 90(1e - land) of the Community Charter

Meeting adjourned at 6:38pm and after a short recess, Council then convened their In-Camera Meeting as per Section 90(1e) of the Community Charter 

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