Tuesday, October 25, 2016

BREAKING: City of WL CFO takes new CFO Job in Revelstoke

The Revelstoke Review (sister paper to Williams Lake Tribune) is reporting this evening that William Wallace, the current City of Williams Lake Chief Financial Officer, has accepted the role of Director of Finance with the City of Revelstoke starting early November 2016.  Mr Wallace was hired by the City of Williams Lake back on September 14th, 2015

I personally will miss him around Williams Lake City Hall and wish him the very best in his new role with the City of Revelstoke

I expect the City of Williams Lake will post for this position ASAP as they will have need for a CFO to continue/complete their 2016 Budget Discussions

Read more here



  1. What an embarrassment this city council has become in creating a revolving door at city hall How much has City Councils mismanagement cost the W.L.Taxpayer since 2008... at least $100,000.per manager in severance since then. We can not afford this Council and and their hidden personal political agendas as well as their meddling in every aspect of city operations including ,but not limited to MULTIPLE ongoing investigations by the Ombudsperson into the conduct of every member of council..Next election should see a wholesale house cleaning of the entire council !
