Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Forest Grove Fire Chief’s passing a Line of Duty Death

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

The Canadian Fallen Firefighters Foundation (CFFF) has recognized the passing of Fire Chief Bob Felker as a Line of Duty Death. Bob Felker was a long time Fire Chief of the Cariboo Regional District’s (CRD) Forest Grove Volunteer Fire Department (VFD).

When Fire Chief Bob Felker lost his battle to cancer in September of this year, the CRD sent an application to the CFFF to have his passing considered as a line of duty death. The CFFF has approved the application and the Foundation has added Chief Robert Felker’s name to the national list on their website.

In addition to this honour, Bob’s name will be engraved on the Fallen Firefighters Memorial in Ottawa and he will be remembered during the annual memorial ceremony in Ottawa in September 2017. Chief Felker’s widow, Colleen Felker, will be invited by the CFFF to attend and participate in that ceremony. 

The CFFF was created to honour and remember firefighters who have been killed in the line of duty. The list of fallen firefighters on their website dates back to 1848.  It recognizes all those that have given their lives to protect our families and neighbourhoods across Canada for the past 168 years. To learn more about the Foundation, visitwww.cfff.ca.

Like Bob Felker, all of the CRD’s volunteer firefighters are professionally trained firefighters. They train hard, give of themselves selflessly, step forward when others step back and keep our families and communities safe.  All of these volunteers are people that have decided they want to make a difference.

The CRD is actively seeking community spirited and motivated men and women to join its VFD teams. Call your local fire department and become a member today. Visitcariboord.ca to learn more about the CRD’s VFDs and fire protection services.

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