Thursday, October 6, 2016

Quesnel Council Highlights - Oct 4th mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Proposed Changes to Business Regulations and Licensing

Council approved first reading of the proposed Business Regulation and Licensing Bylaw 1810, and the Comprehensive Fees and Charges Amendment Bylaw 1811 that will address the following:

- Pawnbroker regulations: minimum age for pawning, electronic register
- Distance of mobile vendors to similar businesses
- Clarity on requirements for licences (presenters, multivendor events)
- Clarity on rentals requiring business licences (now all rentals with 2 or more rented units)
- Better represent the costs associated with regulating businesses
Council’s reasons for adopting and amending a business license include: health and safety; nuisance control; statistical information; and consumer protection.

The majority of business licenses, including home based businesses, will not see a fee increase. Please view the proposed bylaw on the City’s home page for full details.

The public may consult with Council regarding these proposed amendments either by attending the 7 pm Council meeting on October 25, 2016 or by submitting a letter to Council.

Sign Policy and Sign Bylaw Enforcement

Council received an update on signage policy and strategic bylaw enforcement of signage as follows:

- Bylaw Enforcement has sent notices out to 15 businesses to remove signage where no business was being operated, or where no business license was obtained for operating a business at a particular site.
- Bylaw Enforcement has advised businesses that Third Party Billboard signage is not permitted resulting in three companies removing three unauthorized signs.
Council declined two requests from companies to allow Off-Premise Billboard signage to remain.

The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI) has advised City staff that Third Party signage is prohibited along the Highway right of way. Council requested staff to meet with MOTI and to develop a policy around Temporary Third Party signage to be brought back for future Council consideration.

North Cariboo Trails Inventory and Master Plan Project

Council approved the City to apply to the BC Rural Dividend fund, and other funding opportunities, for the North Cariboo Trails Inventory and Master Plan project. This project would lay the foundation for future trail management and development, signage systems, and marketing trails as a tourism asset.

Solar Hot Water Ready Regulation

Council approved the City to be added to the Province’s Building and Safety Standards Branch “Solar Hot Water Ready” Regulation. Once approved, this regulation would affect new homes being constructed. The Solar Hot Water Ready Regulation:

- Increases energy efficiency
- Reduces costs of solar installations and energy consumption
- Reduces greenhouse gas emissions

Professionals & Skilled Trades Recruitment/ Relocation

Council approved the City to apply to the BC Rural Dividend fund, and other funding opportunities, for the Professional and Skilled Trades Recruitment and Relocation project. This proposed two-year project would focus on resident attraction of skilled workers and professionals fulfilling a need that has been identified by key employers in the community.

Political Campaign Sign Bylaw

Council approved final adoption of the Political Campaign Sign bylaw. The regulations in this bylaw will:

- Create equal opportunity for all candidates
- Maintain community aesthetics
- Promote environmental sustainability
- Reduce administrative burden and costs
- Reduce campaign workload and potential conflict
This bylaw will allow for six political campaign signs per candidate and will require candidates to remove political campaign signs three days after General Voting Day.


- Bylaw 1781/1782 – Seniors Housing Development (Reid St/McNaughton Ave) – Third Reading
- Bylaw 1808 – Political Campaign Sign - Final Adoption
- Bylaw 1810 - Business Licenses - First Reading
- Bylaw 1811 - Comprehensive Fees and Charges Bylaw 1683 (Business Licenses) - First Reading

Next Meetings

- 5:30 pm – Oct 11/16 – North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee
- 7 pm – Oct 18/16 - Regular Council Meeting

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