Thursday, November 10, 2016

Local Gov't Mtgs - Wk of Nov 14-18

Next week, the following local governments of the Cariboo-Chilcotin are meeting:

Quesnel - Regular Council Meeting on Tuesday, November 15th at 7pm in Quesnel Council Chambers (2nd Floor - 410 Kinchant St).  On the Agenda:

* Report from Dec 15th, 2015 Closed Council Meeting - Purchase of Land

* Council Committee Reports
* 2017 Budget Framework
* Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure - "Stops of Interest"
* 2016 Third Quarterly Report
* South Quesnel Truck Stop
* 2017 Council Indemnities
* 2016 Quesnel Business Walks
* Quesnel Lions Housing Society (Seniors Housing Development) - Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw (For Adoption)
* Re-Zone Application - Cariboo Pulp and Paper - Landfill Expansion
* British Columbia Air Access Program Grant Application - LED Lights for Airport Runway
* Letter from School District #28 (Quesnel) re: Lack of Consultation on Political Campaign Sign Bylaw

View the full Agenda here

Then on Wednesday, November 16th at 1:30pm in Quesnel Council Chambers, the Financial Sustainability/Audit Committee will meet.  On the Agenda:

* Review of Draft 2017 Capital Budget
* Review of Gas Tax Funding

View the full Agenda here

School District #28 (Quesnel) - Regular Board of Education meeting on Wednesday, Nov 16th at 7pm in the SD28 Boardroom (401 North Star Rd).  When available, the Agenda can be viewed here

School District #27 (Cariboo-Chilcotin) - Special Board of Education meeting on Tuesday, Nov 15th at 6:30pm in the SD27 Boardroom (350 2nd Avenue, Williams Lake).  The purpose of the meeting is to select a Chief Election Officer to conduct a by-election in Zone 7 (Chilcotin) for School District #27.  View the full Agenda here

Williams Lake - Committee of the Whole session.  Meeting to start at 6pm on Tuesday, November 15th at 6pm in the Rick Hansen Boardroom (Basement - 450 Mart St).  The only item on the Agenda is Urban Deer Management Strategy for the City.  View the full Agenda here

Cariboo Regional District: 

South Cariboo Rural Caucus - Meeting on Monday, November 14th at 4pm in 100 Mile House Council Chambers (385 Birch Avenue).  On the Agenda:

* District of 100 Mile House - South Cariboo Cemetery/Burial Services
* South Cariboo Visitor Information Centre – Contribution Agreement Renewal

View the full Agenda here

Then at 5pm - the South Cariboo Joint Committee will meet in 100 Mile House Council Chambers.  On the Agenda:

* 3 Delegations: 5:00 p.m. - Elcy LePage, Interior Roads Ltd; 5:15 p.m. - Amy Thacker, Central Cariboo Tourism Association; 5:30 p.m. - Tanya Guenther, School District #27 Chair

* Update and Discussion on Solid Waste Management Plan Implementation
* Review of 2017 Grant for Assistance Applications
* South Cariboo Recreation Services 2017 Business and Financial Plans and Capital Projects Plan
* South Cariboo Community Enhancement Foundation Contribution Agreement – Consideration for Extension
* 2017 Proposed South Cariboo Joint Committee Meeting Schedule

View the full Agenda here

Community Events This Weekend/Next Week:

* Remembrance Day Events in the Cariboo-Chilcotin:

Quesnel -- Quesnel Cenotaph 10:30 am; Service at St. Andrew’s Church 12:00 pm; Legion Lounge open at 11:00 am; Luncheon in legion hall1:00 pm *Quesnel pipes & drums

Williams Lake -- Event starts at 9:30am in the Gibraltar Room; then over to WL City Hall by 10:45am with "The Last Post" played at 11am, followed with 2 minutes of silence then afternoon events in the Legion Hall on Barnard Street. View full details here.  Note -- I will be presenting a wreath, both on behalf of the Cariboo Regional District and Cariboo-North MLA Coralee Oakes

100 Mile House -- 100 Mile House Royal Canadian Legion Branch 260 invites you to take part in celebrating Remembrance Day. Gathering for the parade will start at 10:15am across the street from the 100 Mile House Elementary School, travel down Birch Avenue. The Remembrance Day Ceremony will start at 10:55am at the 100 Mile House Community Hall

McLeese Lake - McLeese Lake VFD Christmas Market at the McLeese Lake Community Hall on Forglen Rd from 9am - 3pm.  More details below:

Lots of local events this coming weekend throughout the Region which you can find the details via's Facebook page here

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