Saturday, November 12, 2016

Public Service

Yesterday - Canadians from coast to coast to coast paid homage/respect to our war veterans, both living/passed away, and those currently serving in the Canadian military like my own brother at CFB Cold Lake as an Air Traffic Controller. 

I even had the double honour yesterday to lay a wreath at the Williams Lake Remembrance Day service, on behalf of the Cariboo Regional District and BC Liberal Cariboo-North MLA Coralee Oakes.  This is a great honour that I have been rewarded with for two years running (2015/2016)

This past Thursday - my uncle, Alan Forseth, posted an article on his own blog in regards to "Public Service" from Steven Puhallo who currently is the Executive Director of the Kamloops North Shore Business Improvement Area Association.  Mr. Puhallo is also currently in a three way race to succeed outgoing BC Liberal Kamloops-North Thompson MLA Dr. Terry Lake as the 2017 BC Liberal Party nominee for Kamloops-North Thompson in the May 2017 BC Election.  The other two candidates are Kamloops Mayor Peter Milobar and Kamloops developer Michael Grenier. 

In Mr. Puhallo's own words - public service, in all of its' forms and it can take a great number of different forms, is:

“What is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow. This is the explanation of life; go and learn.” and “If not us, who? And if not now, when?”

Let us be thankful to all who participate in all forms of public service.  That is how we build strong, prosperous and resilient communities in whatever part of British Columbia you reside in

Read more here


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