Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Quesnel Council Highlights - Dec 6th mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Council Mid-Term Reports
Each member of Council provided a Mid-Term Report as Council is now half way through their 2015 – 2018 term.  Councillors updated the public on their campaign promises, what Council has achieved and what Council would like to work on for the remainder of the 2015 - 2018 term.  Please visit the City’s website for full details of these reports

#SkiNorthBC Campaign
Council approved staff submitting a partnership grant application to the Northern Development Initiative Trust’s Marketing Initiatives Program that will promote skiing and winter tourism focusing on the BC and Alberta markets.

Transit Service Review Options and Implementation
Council heard available options regarding the BC Transit Review that was completed in September 2016.  Council decided to reallocate low ridership routes to areas with higher ridership.  The transit changes are:
·   Eliminate Route 4 (Express Bus to South Quesnel) effective September 1, 2017.
·   Reduce frequency for Route 2 (Westland and Phillips loops) effective September 1, 2017.
·   Combine, the downtown portions only, of Route 1 (West Quesnel) and Route 3 (North Fraser) effective September 1, 2017.
·   Bus service will start two hours earlier at 8:30 am for Routes 1 (West Quesnel)/Route 3 (North Fraser) on Saturday morning’s.  This will be done on a trial basis before being fully implemented.
·   Bus service will run longer on weekdays to 9:00 pm for Routes 1 (West Quesnel) and Route 2 (Red Bluff).  This will be done on a trial basis before being fully implemented.
·   Staff to work with owner of the River Walk Trailer Park to implement a short-loop through the trailer park as part of Route 3 (North Fraser), effective January 2017, as well as to install a bus stop and shelter.
·   Relocate/install a bench and/or shelter to a better suited location from where the current bus stop is located on Doherty/Anderson Drive.
·   Relocate the bus stop 1 block west from where the current bus stop is located on Johnston Avenue.

BikeBC Grant
Council gave the go ahead for staff to submit a BikeBC Grant that, if approved, would see the advancement of the Gray Avenue Trail Connection project that includes a re-grading of the portion of trail located in the area of Dunrovin Park Lodge.  The City’s Active Transportation Plan identified this proposed trail site as high priority because this project will remove both bicycle and walking traffic off of Gray Avenue.  This particular section of the City’s trail network is an important link between the City’s downtown, recreation facilities and links to the trail network.
Destination BC Co-Operative Marking Partnership Grant
Council approved staff to proceed with submitting a grant application to the Destination BC Co-Operative Marking Partnership Program.  This grant, if successful, would promote festivals throughout the Cariboo and encourage increased and extended stays for visitors to the region.  The “Celebrate the Cariboo” campaign will focus on the short-haul travellers from Alberta and Washington to promote visiting multi festivals that would encourage week-long visits to the Cariboo region.
Gymnastics Facility and Soccer Complex Improvements Design
Council reviewed options for the advancement of the proposed gymnastics facility to be located on the soccer complex grounds.  Council had previously allocated funds from the gymnastics reserve to advance the design of the proposed facility to the completion of the construction documents phase.  Council chose to increase this budget to include an expanded scope that will fully integrate the new gymnastics building and the soccer complex with a common lobby and entrance, provide community space for an indoor playground, and provide options for improvements to the soccer complex including an expansion of the building to provide a regulation sized soccer pitch, improved change rooms, and additional storage space. The City is funding the design work for the facility from a reserve set aside for the project based on the expectation that the project will become part of the North Cariboo Recreation and Parks Service.  The North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee had previously passed a resolution supporting in principle the inclusion of a new gymnastics centre as part of the North Cariboo Recreation and Parks Service.  On December 13, 2016, the Committee will meet to review the proposed change in the scope of work. The advancement of the design work makes this project shovel-ready for any upcoming grant opportunities.  It is intended that the facility construction, should the project proceed, will be funded primarily through grants.
City’s New Brand - Pre-Launch Preparation
Council approved staff moving forward with preparation and procurement of stationery, signage, communications and marketing materials prior to official endorsement of the new Quesnel brand expected in January.  A full report on the City’s new brand will be brought to the January 17, 2017 Regular Council Meeting.
Next Meetings
·         December 13th at 5:30 pm – North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee

·         January 17th at 7 pm - Regular Council

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