Sunday, January 1, 2017

2017 New Year Messages

Courtesy of Her Majesty, the Queen:

“I am delighted to offer all Canadians my best wishes and congratulations on the
150th anniversary of Confederation. Countries throughout the Commonwealth and, indeed, around the world, rejoice with you as you embark on this special year.

Throughout the years, particularly since your Centennial year, I have watched Canada develop into a remarkable nation. You have earned a reputation as a welcoming, respectful and compassionate country.

Fifty years ago, on the eve of the Centennial, I encouraged Canadians to continue to embody the values of equality, freedom and inclusion.

Today, these values remain deeply rooted in the Canadian experience. Your country, while still young, has the maturity needed to follow its passions.

Throughout the coming year, you will have the opportunity to remind the world of the importance of protecting those values and of passing them on to future generations.

On this eve of national celebrations, my family and I are with you in spirit. We pray that God will bless Canada and that, over the next 150 years, Canadians will continue to build a better country and a better world.

As you prepare to mark this important milestone in your country’s history, I send my warmest good wishes to you all.”

                                                                                      Elizabeth R.

Courtesy of the Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau - Prime Minister of Canada:

"Happy New Year, everyone.

"Tonight is 150 years in the making, and a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to ring in the New Year together. From coast to coast to coast, spectacular events are planned to usher in Canada's 150th birthday.

"Before we leave 2016 behind, I want to thank you. Over the last year, we have accomplished a great deal together to strengthen the middle class and those working hard to join it.

"We cut taxes on middle-class Canadians, and put more money in the pockets of nine out of ten families through a new, more generous Canada Child Benefit; we also signed one of the most progressive free trade deals in history that will benefit Canadians across the country.

“As we mark Canada 150 over the next year, we will honour the generations of Canadians who have come together to create opportunities for one another. We will celebrate the courage and vision of those who came before us, and the hard work and ambition of Canadians – like you – who have made Canada the success story that it is today.

“For my part as Prime Minister, I will always stand against the politics of fear and division, and focus on what brings us together – that is my New Year’s resolution to you.

"In 2017, and beyond, our government will take further steps to help the middle class and those working hard to join it. And, together, I know we will continue to build the diverse and prosperous country that we are all so proud to call home.

"Canada, let's make this year our year.

"On behalf of our family, Sophie and I wish you a wonderful night and all the best in 2017."

Courtesy of the Hon. Christy Clark - Premier of British Columbia:

“New Year's celebrations give us a chance to spend time with our families, reflect back on the year that was, and prepare for the opportunities ahead.

“In many ways, 2016 was the year the country and the world took notice of what hard-working British Columbians are achieving by sticking to our plan. Together, we have built a solid foundation with Canada’s leading economy, the best job-creation record and lowest unemployment in the country.

“This means we are able to invest more in the future, and take care of those among us who need it most. That includes the largest single-year investment in affordable housing in Canada and strong steps to keep the dream of home ownership within the reach of the middle class with our new BC HOME Partnership Program.

“More than a decade of hard work has resulted in the landmark Great Bear Rainforest Agreement, recognized this year by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth as part of the Queen’s Commonwealth Canopy.

“In the year ahead, we resolve to keep working every day to put British Columbians first, and to make sure B.C. is in a strong position to overcome any challenges and make the most of our opportunities.

“I want to wish all British Columbians a safe New Year’s celebration and all the best for a happy, healthy and prosperous 2017.”

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