Friday, January 13, 2017

CRD Board Highlights - Jan 13th mtg

Present: Chair A. Richmond; Directors T. Armstrong, J. Bruce, J. Massier, S. Forseth, B. Kemp, J. Sorley, M. Wagner, D. Cash, B. Anderson, B. Coakley, R. Sharpe, B. Simpson, M. Campsall and Alternate Director I. Bonnell (Williams Lake)

Meeting called to order at 10:20am
Meeting Agenda adopted/Dec 16th, 2016 CRD Board Meeting Minutes adopted

Resolved -- Board received Delegations MOB as of Jan 13th, 2017


Development Services

a) The Board gave 1st/2nd Readings to Chilcotin Area Rural Land Use Amendment Bylaw No. 5018 (Area 'J')

b) The Board approved DVP Application #61/2016 (Area H)
c) The Board approved DVP Application #67/2016 (Area G)
d) The Board rejected Temporary Permit Application #55/2016 (Area L)

Meeting recessed at 10:58am
Meeting resumed at 11:10am

e) The Board received Municipalities’ and Cariboo Regional District Building Statistics Reports as of November 2016

Environmental Services

a) The Board approved an Amendment to Policy EN1.4 Disposal of Contaminated Soils at Landfills No. 98-1-11(3) which reads:

"That contaminated soils only be accepted for disposal at rural landfill sites if it meets the commercial standards provided in the Contaminated Sites Regulation"

Community Services

a) The Board endorsed an NDIT Application in respect of the Forest Grove Community Hall Roof Replacement project


a) The Board received a report from the Manager of Communications in respect of CRD Highway Signage and endorsed Option 3 (Replace the bottom part of the sign and update the current municipal logos)


a) The Board received/ratified the Monthly Expenditures Board Summary Report and MasterCard Summary Report for the month of December 2016, in the amount of $3,484,479.06


a) The Board agreed to rescind Records Retention and Disposition Scheduling Policy No. 2015-7-56(9) and further agreed to endorse the new Records Retention Policy as presented by the Corporate Officer

b) The Board received a letter from Guy Caron, Member of Parliament and NDP Finance Critic, for support of Bill C-274 which seeks to end unfair taxation on family business transfers and agreed to forward a letter of support to MP Caron with respect to Bill C-274

c) The Board received a report from the Corporate Officer in respect of the 2017 NCLGA Resolutions deadline of March 1st, 2017

d) The Board received the Consent Calendar as of January 13th, 2017

e) The Board received 3 Letters of response as follows:

i) Ministry of Technology, Innovation and Citizens' Services - Update on Internet Connectivity and Payphones in Rural Areas
ii) School District 27 - Bridge Lake School Site
iii) Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure - Williams Lake River Valley Access

f) The Board received/endorsed the Prioritization of Board Resolutions report from the CAO

Committee/Commission Minutes/Recommendations:

a) The Board received the First Nations Relations Committee Minutes of Dec 15th, 2016 and endorsed 2 Recommendations from the Committee as follows:

i) That arrangements be made for a speaker to attend a future Cariboo Regional District staff meeting to provide information on First Nations awareness.

ii) That First Nations speakers be invited to attend as delegations to upcoming Committee of the Whole meetings and that that First
Nations Awareness information, including the following link to Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada information:
be included in orientation materials for new Directors

b) The Board received the Dec 15th Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes and endorsed the following Recommendation from that meeting:

i) That proof of servicing will not be a requirement under the General Provision section in respect of Secondary Suites/detached accessory dwelling unit regulations, but the bylaw will state that the applicant must adhere to the applicable requirements/regulations regarding sewage. Still further, that carriage houses be allowed on any size lot and that staff be directed to prepare bylaws subject to the changes noted for referral, along with the planning report, to all Advisory Planning Commissions and other relevant agencies.

Approved by the following Electoral Area Directors' vote:

Affirmative - Directors Armstrong, Bruce, Massier, Kemp, Sorley, Richmond, Wagner, William, Anderson and Coakley -- 10

Negative - Director S. Forseth (Area 'D') -- 1

Corporate Bylaws

a) The Board gave 1st, 2nd and 3rd Readings to South Cariboo Cemeteries Contribution Establishment Bylaw No. 5071

b) The Board gave 1st, 2nd, 3rd Readings/Adoption to 103 Mile Water System Parcel Tax Amendment Bylaw No. 5075

Directors' Requests

a) At the request of Directors S. Forseth, J. Sorley and B. Anderson - the Board authorized up to $5,000 each from the Area D, F and K Director Initiative Funds to permit them to attend the 2017 Federation of Canadian Municipalities Convention in Ottawa, ON from June 1-4, 2017

b) The Board appointed the following Directors' to external agencies as follows and Directors' so appointed provide updates to the Board as appropriate:

Municipal Finance Authority - Director Richmond/Director Coakley (Alternate)
Fraser Basin Council - Director Massier/Director Forseth (Alternate)
CCBAC - Director Wagner/Director Sorley (Alternate)
NDIT Regional Advisory Committee -- Directors Wagner & Anderson/Directors Coakley & Cash (Alternates)

Meeting recessed at 11:51am for lunch
Meeting resumed at 12:25pm

Directors' reported out on their recent activities

At 12:58pm - the Board convened an In-Camera Meeting as per Section 90(1k - negotiations) of the Community Charter

At 1:19pm - the Board resumed its' public meeting

Meeting adjourned at 1:20pm

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