Friday, January 20, 2017

Local Gov't Mtgs - Wk of Jan 23-27

The following local governments in the Cariboo-Chillcotin are meeting next, as follows:

Quesnel - Policy/Bylaw Review Standing Committee on Monday, Jan 23rd at 1:15pm in Quesnel Council Chambers (2nd Floor - 410 Kinchant St).  On the Agenda:

* Dog Parks
* Shipping Containers
* Travel Policy
* New Policy for Neighbourhood Traffic Calming Devices
* Naming Policy

View the full Agenda here

Then on Wednesday, Jan 25th at 1:30pm in Quesnel Council Chambers, the Financial Sustainability/Audit Committee meets.  On the Agenda:

* Parks Overview
* Capital 2016 Summary
* Reserves and Deferred Revenue Estimates
* Gas Tax Spending Summary

View the full Agenda here

Wells - Regular Council Meeting on Tuesday, Jan 24th at 7pm in Wells Council Chambers (4243 Sanders Avenue).  When available, the Agenda can be viewed here

School District #27 (Cariboo-Chilcotin) - Regular Board of Education Meeting on Tuesday, Jan 24th  at 6:30pm in the SD27 Boardroom (350 2nd Avenue, Williams Lake).  When available, the Agenda can be viewed here

Williams Lake - Special Committee of the Whole (Budget) meeting on Tuesday, Jan 24th at 5pm in the Rick Hansen Boardroom (Basement - 450 Mart St) to discuss Fee for Service contracts for the Williams Lake Visitor Information Centre and Potato House. View the full Agenda here

Then at 6pm, Williams Lake Council meets in WL Council Chambers (450 Mart St) for their Tuesday, January 24th Regular Council Meeting.  On the Agenda:

* Delegation: Anne Burill re: Overview of Housing First Project
* Authorization for Travel - Fan the Flames Awards Banquet & Gala - Councillor J. Ryll
* SCBA Safety Equipment - Early Budget Approval
* Endorse Nomination of Councillor L. Walters as NCLGA 2nd Vice-President
* Land Disposition - Parts of Oliver Street to be Consolidated to 715 Oliver Street
* Rezoning Application - Former Lake City Ford Site on Oliver St
* Entrance Road, 351 & 375 Mandarino Place (Public Input to commence at 7pm)
* 2 Committee of the Whole Recommendations for Endorsement

View the full Agenda here

Then at 7pm, a Public Hearing will be held on Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2251 for property at #27 7th Avenue South. View the full Agenda here

100 Mile House - Regular Council Meeting on Tuesday, Jan 24th at 7pm in 100 Mile Council Chambers (385 Birch Avenue).  On the Agenda:

* Delegation: Amy Thacker from the Cariboo-Chilcotin-Coast Tourism Association to request support for their Municipal Regional District Tax (Hotel Tax) application

* By-law Officers' Report
* 2017 Schedule of Regular Council Meetings – Amended (For approval)
* Water Project – RFP Contract Award for Supply/Install of Exeter Reservoir
* C-1 Zoning Clarification Request - For Council Review/Direction
* Development Cost Charge Bylaw No. 1306, 2016 - For 3rd Reading

View the full Agenda here

Cariboo Regional District:

Central Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus - Regular Meeting on Wednesday, Jan 25th at 3pm in the CRD Williams Lake Committee Room (180D North 3rd Avenue).  On the Agenda:

* Election of Chair for 2017
* Delegation: Carla Bullinger, Communities that Care
* Appointment of Co-Chair, Central Cariboo Joint Committee for 2017
* Central Cariboo Community Committee Appointments for 2017
* Request from Area 'D' Director S. Forseth re: McLeese Lake Boat Launch
* 2017 Multi-Agency Forum

View the full Agenda here

Then at 5pm, the Central Cariboo Joint Committee will meet in the CRD Boardroom (180 D North 3rd Avenue, Williams Lake).  On the Agenda:

* Delegations (2) -- CCRHD Chair M. Wagner re: 2017 Travelling Roadshow (Northern Medical Programs Trust) and Brian Hansen and Curt Levens of the Williams Lake Youth Soccer Association (WLYSA) and John Birkic of MasterClass 369 Consulting re: proposed indoor soccer facility

* Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Society Report - Fourth Quarter of 2016
* CRD/City of WL Joint Bid for 2018 NCLGA Convention
* Reports from Tango Management re: Sam Ketchum Pool Project
* CMRC Arena Elevator Assessment

View the full Agenda here

SD 27 Zone 7 By-Election - General Voting Day is tomorrow (Saturday, Jan 21st).  More details here

1 comment:

  1. Question for Williams Lake City Council: I notice that every member of city council including our illustrious mayor and some senior managers were paid $780 each through the cheque register using the mundane description of "Reimb. expense". Is that because they know that cell phone reimbursement is a TAXABLE BENEFIT? Why are they treating it as a perk instead of something that should have taxes deducted, just like the rest of us have? Being paid this way is quite simply a TAX-AVOIDANCE SCHEME. Or maybe it's because they haven't been able to find and retain a qualified finance manager because of the city's reputation. Council needs to lead by example. What else is going on behind the scenes that the public doesn't pick up on?
