Sunday, February 12, 2017

2017 LGLA Forum Wrap-up

Courtesy of the Local Government Leadership Academy:

Thank you to all of those who joined us in Richmond for our 2017 Leadership Forum. We had
upwards of 150 delegates in attendance, from 127 municipalities and 18 regional districts
representing all regions of the province. This number included 12 Mayors, 8 Chairs, 46 Councillors
and 61 Electoral Area Directors – as well as one Improvement District Trustee, 16 senior local
government staff members, two provincial staff and a handful of local government consultants
and non-profit employees.

We had an excellent line-up of speakers addressing the Forum theme of Communication:
Listening, Connecting, Leading, as well as an incredible graphic recorder – Sam Bradd –
chronicling the event through a series of posters capturing the highlights from individual sessions.

Many of the presentations and handouts from the forum are now available on the LGLA website
– with more to come. Sam Bradd’s drawings are all available for download, either as images to
view or in special 11X17 print format. He has also provided an article that gives tips on how best
to use the images after the event. Please access all Forum resources through the following link: Photos and audio recordings will also be
available soon…

If you haven’t yet completed our ONLINE EVALUATION, you have until 5:00 pm tomorrow,
February 10, to do so. All respondents who include an email address will be entered into a draw
to win a free 2018 LGLA Leadership Forum registration. Please take a few moments to provide
your feedback and your suggestions for improvement. Click on the following link to complete the

And remember to check out the LGLA Certification Program. You may already qualify for a Level
I, II or III Certificate in Local Government Leadership. It’s just a matter of recording your time in
office and learning events you’ve attended and submitting your application. Please visit the
Programs page on the LGLA website for all the details:

Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you again next year!

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