Wednesday, February 22, 2017

CC Joint Committee Highlights - Feb 22nd meeting

Present from Cariboo RD: Co-Chair J. Sorley and Directors S. Forseth/B. Kemp

Present from City of WL: Councillors S. Nelson, J. Ryll, C. Smith and S. Zacharias

Meeting chaired by Director J. Sorley and called to order at 5:13pm.  The Chair recognized that the meeting was taking place on traditional Shuswap Territory.  

Meeting Agenda approved/Mins of the Joint Committee meeting held on Wednesday, Jan 25th adopted


George Atamanenko, from the Museum of the Cariboo Chilcotin Society, appeared before the Committee to address the requested increase to the Museum's Fee for Service contract

A Question/Answer period ensued

The Chair, on behalf of the Committee, thanked Mr. Atamanenko for his time/information


1) Williams Lake Youth Soccer Association - Proposal for the Development of a New Multi-Purpose Indoor Field Sport Facility

The Committee had before it a letter/proposal to the City of Williams Lake from the Williams Lake Youth Soccer Association in regards to a proposed Multi-Purpose Indoor Field Sport Facility
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - Letter received and that the Williams Lake Youth Soccer Association be advised that the Joint Committee support the project in principle

2) City of Williams Lake - Request from Museum of the Cariboo Chilcotin Society

The Committee had before it a letter from the City of Williams Lake in regards to a request from the Museum of the Cariboo Chilcotin Society to increase their Fee for Service contract
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - Letter received and that the CRD Grant Writer be requested to work with the Museum of the Cariboo-Chilcotin Society in pursuing grants

3) Williams Lake Blue Fins Swim Club - Aid During Pool Closure

The Committee had before it an email from Rhonda McCreight, Williams Lake Blue Fins Swim Club President,dated January 30, 2017, regarding aid to the swim club during the temporary pool closure
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - Email received and that applicable policy be waived and that $5,000 from the Central Cariboo Recreation Budget be authorized to partly reimburse the Blue Fins Swim Club for the extended shutdown of the Sam Ketcham Pool during the Sam Ketcham Pool Upgrade Project

4) Sam Ketcham Pool Upgrade Project - Monthly Status Reports for January 2017

The Committee had before it a report of the CRD's Manager of Community Services (D. Campbell)
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - Report received

Councillor C. Smith declared a conflict of interest on the next item and left the meeting at 6:50pm

5) Action Page

Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - Action Page received

Councillor C. Smith returned to the meeting at 6:52pm

Meeting adjourned at 6:52pm

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