Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Committee of the Whole Session (Cariboo RD) - Feb 8th mtg

Present: Chair A. Richmond; Directors T. Armstrong, J. Bruce, J. Massier, S. Forseth, B. Kemp, J. Sorley, M. Wagner, B. Anderson, B. Coakley, R. Sharpe, W. Cobb, M. Campsall and Alternate Director L. Roodenburg (Quesnel)

Meeting called to order at 12:34pm

Meeting Agenda/Minutes of the Dec 15th COW Meeting adopted

Director S. Forseth declared a perceived conflict of interest on the next item as he works at the Best Western Williams Lake Hotel and left the meeting at 12:35pm


Amy Thacker and Pat Corbett from the Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism Association, appeared before the Committee to request a letter of support for the Regional Municipal Regional District Tax (MRDT) application

A Question/Answer period ensued

The Chair, on behalf of the Committee, thanked Ms. Thacker/Mr. Corbett for their time/information

Director W. Cobb left the meeting at 1:03pm

Director S. Forseth returned to the meeting at 1:20pm


1) Corporate Priority Reports

The Committee reviewed Corporate Priorities Reports (Strategic Goals, Routine Business Plan Goals and Additions to Workplace)

Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - That the 3 Corporate Priority Reports (Strategic Goals, Routine Business Plan Goals and Additions to Workplace) be received

2) Discussion About Cabinet Ministers’ Visits Within the Cariboo Regional District

The Committee had before it a report of the Corporate Officer
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - Report received

3) Deferred Consideration of Endorsement of First Nations Relations Committee Resolutions

The Committee had before it a report of the Deputy Corporate Officer
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - Report received

4) Northern Development Initiative Trust

The Committee had before it a letter from CCBAC regarding a Letter to NDIT regarding Access to Mountain Pine Beetle Fund, a report from the Corporate Officer and a report from Director S. Forseth regarding CRD Policy on NDIT Applications

Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - Reports be received and the letter from CCBAC be received and a letter be forwarded to NDIT supporting the position of CCBAC on the Pine Beetle Recovery Account, as follows:

* That the remaining Pine Beetle Recovery Account funds be distributed over the next five years to the communities most affected by the mountain pine beetle; and

* That the communities most affected by the mountain pine beetle be allowed to apply directly for Pine Beetle Recovery Account funding without having to apply for the Regional Advisory Committee funding

and finally, that in the absence of knowledge of material legal, ethical, or other improprieties, the CRD will support all applications to the NDIT for funding, without regard to project’s merit.

5) Review of CRD Governance Structure

The Committee had before it a report of Director S. Forseth in regards to an informal review of the CRD Governance Structure

Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - Report received

6) Update from the CAO on the Board’s Strategic Plan

The Committee had before it a report of Director S. Forseth requesting the CAO update the Board on its' Strategic Plan at its' April Committee of the Whole Meeting
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - Report received and that a mid-term review of the Strategic Plan take place at the September 14th Committee of the Whole meeting

Meeting adjourned at 2:40pm

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