Thursday, February 9, 2017

CRD Board Highlights - Feb 9th meeting

Present: Chair A. Richmond; Directors T. Armstrong, J. Bruce, J. Massier, S. Forseth, B. Kemp, J. Sorley, M. Wagner, D. Cash, B. Anderson, B. Coakley, R. Sharpe, B. Simpson, W. Cobb and M. Campsall

Meeting called to order at 10:13am

Meeting Agenda/Minutes of the Jan 13th, 2017 CRD Board Meeting adopted

Delegations MOB was received


Development Services:

a) North Cariboo Area Rural Land Use Amendment Bylaw No. 5072, 2016 (Area B) was given 1st/2nd Readings

b) Interlakes Area Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 5073, 2016 and South Cariboo Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No, 5074, 2016 (Area L) were given 1st/2nd Readings

c) The following Planning Bylaws were adopted:

i) Chilcotin Area Rural Land Use Amendment Bylaw No. 5019, 2016 (Area J).  Board divided.  Approved by the following Electoral Area Directors' vote:

Affirmative - Chair Richmond; Directors Armstrong, Bruce, Massier, Forseth, Kemp, Sorley, Wagner, Anderson and Coakley

Negative - Director D. Cash (Area I)

ii) Williams Lake Fringe Area Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 5022, 2016 (Area D)
iii) Williams Lake Fringe and 150 Mile House Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5023, 2016 (Area D)
iv) Quesnel Fringe Area Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 5033, 2016 (Area B)
v) Quesnel Fringe Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5034, 2016 (Area B)

d) The Board approved two Development Variance Permit Applications, as follows:

i) DVP #66/2016 - Area B
ii) DVP #70/2016 - Area B

e) The Board approved Temporary Permit Application #69/2016 (Area F)

f) The Board received a report from the Manager of Development Services on Animal Control in Electoral Areas

Meeting recessed at 10:57am
Meeting resumed at 11:03am


Members of the North Cariboo Agriculture Working Group, appeared before the Board to discuss the formation of an Agriculture Advisory Committee

A Question/Answer period ensued

Chair Richmond, on behalf of the Board, thanked the delegation for their time/information

Meeting recessed at 11:35am to CCRHD Board
Meeting resumed at 12:48pm

g) The Board received the Provincial Agricultural Land Commission Decisions Report as of January 20, 2017

h) The Board received a report from the Manager of Development Services regarding re-appointment of members to the Board of Variance and directed Staff to bring back the item at the March 3rd Board Meeting


a) The Board received/ratified the monthly cheque register for the month of January 2017 of $3,406,770.02

b) The Board directed that any one of the Chair, Vice-Chair, or Finance Chair together with any one of the Chief Administrative Officer, the Chief Financial Officer, or Manager of Financial Services, be appointed as the signing officers for the Cariboo Regional District’s financial undertakings and that the “Resolution Regarding Banking” be completed accordingly and forwarded to its appointed financial institution


a) The Board received a report of the Corporate Officer in regards to Policy #11-10A-26, which calls for interested elected officials to put their name forward for the CRD’s appointment to the NCLGA Board

b) The Board appointed Directors A. Richmond, T. Armstrong and B. Coakley to the 2017 Parcel Tax Review Panel and directed the Panel meet at 10:30am on Feb 27th in the District of 100 Mile House Council Chambers

c) The Board received the Consent Calendar as of Feb 9th, 2017

d) The Board received a letter from the BC Utilities Commission in regards to residential inclining block electricity rates

e) The Board received a letter from the Hon. Mike De Jong, BC's Minister of Finance, in regards to taxation of electricity for business and industrial use, and concerns for BC's forest industry

f) The Board received a letter from Mark Zacharias, Assistant Deputy Minister, Environmental Protection Division for the Ministry of Environment, dated January 30, 2017, regarding the Mount Polley proposal to amend Environmental Management Act Permit PE-11678

g) The Board received Prioritization of Board Resolutions as of January 24th, 2017

Resolved - That a letter be forwarded to BC Hydro requesting that they appear at a future Board meeting in regards to their Hydro policy for the next 5 year period

Committee or Commission Minutes/Recommendations:

a) The Board received the Dec 7th, 2016 meeting minutes of the Heritage Steering Committee and endorsed two recommendations from that meeting as follows:

i) Heritage Registry
ii) Nominations for New Stop of Interest Signs

b) The Board received the Dec 13th, 2016 meeting minutes of the North Cariboo Joint Committee
c) The Board received the Jan 9th, 2017 meeting minutes of the South Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus and endorsed 1 recommendation from that meeting:

i) 2017 South Cariboo Community Committee Appointments for 2017

d) The Board received the Jan 9th, 2017 meeting minutes of the South Cariboo Joint Committee and endorsed two recommendations from that meeting:

i) South Cariboo Community Enhancement Foundation Contribution Agreement - No further renewal
ii) South Cariboo Recreation Centre Expansion Project Working Group Establishment and Update

Director Cash left the meeting at 1:31pm

e) The Board received the Jan 10th, 2017 meeting minutes of the North Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus and endorsed two recommendations:

i) Amendment to December 13, 2016 North Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus Resolution -- 25th Annual Gold Rush Trail Sled Dog Mail Run
ii) 2017 North Cariboo Community Committee Appointments for 2017

f) The Board received the Jan 18th, 2017 special meeting minutes of the Central Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus and endorsed 1 recommendation from that meeting:

i) WL River Valley Transportation Plan - Letter to City of WL for Joint City/CRD Letter to MOTI

g) The Board received the Jan 25th, 2017 meeting minutes of the Central Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus and endorsed 2 recommendations from that meeting:

i) 2017 Central Cariboo Community Committee Appointments for 2017
ii) McLeese Lake Boat Launch - Letter to MLA Oakes/Transportation Minister Todd Stone

h) The Board received the Jan 25th, 2017 meeting minutes of the Central Cariboo Joint Committee and endorsed two recommendations from that meeting:

i) Appointment of Steering Committee Members for 2018 NCLGA Conference Bid (Director J. Sorley/Councillor L. Walters and CRD Mgr of Communications/City Staff Member)
ii) CMRC Arena Elevator Assessment - 2020 Capital Budget of $420,000 from Central Cariboo Recreation Service


a) The Board received an invitation from Emily Epp in regards to attending a documentary film screening of 'Over 18' in Williams Lake on March 8, 2017

Corporate Bylaws:

a) The Board gave 1st, 2nd, 3rd Readings and Adoption to Cariboo Regional District Security Issuing (108 Mile Water System Improvements) Bylaw No. 5076, 2017

Director Requests:

a) At the request of Director R. Sharpe -- The Board agreed to write a letter of support for the Heritage BC Update: Tax Credit Call to Action

b) At the request of Director J. Sorley - the following was authorized:

i) Letter of Support in regards to a proposed 1-year moratorium on forest service road deactivations in Horsefly and request to MLA's Oakes/Barnett to review this matter with them
ii) Up to $500 from Area 'F' Director Initiative Fund to host a public meeting, with Staff support, in regards to a noise bylaw for Electoral Area F and the FCM 2017 Convention funding resolution be reduced from "up to $5,000" to "up to $4,500"

Resolved - That the following recommendation from the Feb 8th Committee of the Whole meeting be endorsed:

That a letter be forwarded to NDIT supporting the position of CCBAC on the Pine Beetle Recovery Account, as follows:

* That the remaining Pine Beetle Recovery Account funds be distributed over the next five years to the communities most affected by the mountain pine beetle; and

* That the communities most affected by the mountain pine beetle be allowed to apply directly for Pine Beetle Recovery Account funding without having to apply for the Regional Advisory Committee funding

Directors reported out on their recent activities in their Electoral Areas/Municipalities

Resolved - That Adam DeKroon be appointed as a member of the Parkland Recreation Commission.

Resolved - That Cuyler Huffman be appointed as a member of the Electoral Area F Advisory Planning Commission.

Meeting adjourned at 2:35pm

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