Tuesday, February 7, 2017

WL Council Highlights - Feb 7th

Present: Mayor W. Cobb; Councillors I. Bonnell, S. Nelson, J. Ryll, C. Smith, L. Walters and S. Zacharias

Meeting called to order at 6pm

Mayor Cobb acknowledged that the meeting was taking place on traditional Shuswap territory

Meeting Agenda/Minutes of the Jan 24th, 2017 Meeting of Council were adopted


1) Tim Rolph, from the Williams Lake Stampede Association, appeared before Council to provide an update on the Association's activities

A Question/Answer period ensued

Mayor Cobb, on behalf of Council, thanked Mr. Rolph for his time/information

2) Sue Hemphill, from the Williams Lake Field Naturalists, appeared before Council to discuss Agenda Item E3 (Reject Fee for Service Agreement Renewal - Scout Island Nature Centre)

A Question/Answer period ensued

Mayor Cobb, on behalf of Council, thanked Ms. Hemphill for her time/information


1) Council received for information the accounts payable computer cheque listings for the periods ending January 26 and February 2, 2017

2) Council approved travel and Council compensation for Councillor J. Ryll to attend the meeting to discuss BC Ferry Service hosted by the Aboriginal Tourism Association of British Columbia in Victoria, BC on February 14, 2017

3) Council endorsed three corporate resolutions in order to achieve dissolution of the Central Cariboo Economic Development Corporation, and City Staff were directed to take the necessary steps to complete the dissolution, including, but not limited to, distribution of all assets and satisfaction of any debts, liabilities and payables as outlined by legal counsel

4) Council received an application for Development Permit No. 01-2017 - Wensley Architecture - 715 Oliver Street and directed Staff to work with the applicant in developing a revised site design that will address the staff recommendations and that further consideration of the Development Permit be brought forward to a future Council meeting

5) Council ratified a Poll of Council conducted on January 31, 2017 authorizing Staff to set a Public Hearing date of February 21, 2017, at 7:00 pm in Council Chambers at City Hall for Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2258 and the appropriate notices and advertising be issued. Council also gave 2nd Reading to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2258, 2017

6) At the request of Councillor I. Bonnell - Council agreed to ask the Ministry of Environment and Atlantic Power to advise the City of Williams Lake on what additional measures they will take, beyond the permit requirements, to ensure that the burning of rail ties does not pose environmental or health risks to the community

7) Council adopted 6 Committee of the Whole recommendations from their Jan 31st meeting as follows:

a) 2017 Grants for Assistance - Approved Applications

Cariboo Chilcotin Child Development Centre Association
$ 4,000
Navy League of Canada – Chilcotin Branch
$ 2,000
Rocky Mountain Rangers Army Cadet Sponsoring Committee
$ 2,000
Williams Lake Blue Fins Swim Club
$ 3,000
Williams Lake Cross Country Ski Club
$ 2,000
Williams Lake Curling Club
$ 10,000
Williams Lake Cycling Club
Williams Lake Off Road Motorcycles Association
Williams Lake Stampeders Hockey Club
Williams Lake Trail Riders Association
Youth for Christ



At 7:23pm, Councillor Smith declared a conflict of interest on Item 3 and left the meeting.  At 7:24pm, Councillor Smith returned to the meeting

b) Fee for Service Agreements for the 2017-2019 period:

Community Policing Committee
Boys & Girls Club of Williams Lake and District (NOOPA)
Stampede Queen’s Committee
Big Brothers & Big Sisters of Williams Lake
Williams Lake Hospice Society 
Youth for Christ
Stampede Association
Cariboo Chilcotin Conservation Society (Water Wise Program)
Cariboo Chilcotin Conservation Society (Waste Wise Program)
Social Planning Council
Williams Lake Food Policy Council


Councillors Nelson/Zacharias declared conflicts of interest on Items 5, 8 and 9 & left the meeting at 7:26pm and returned to the meeting at 7:27pm

c) That the Fee for Service Agreement (2017-19) for the Scout Island Nature Centre in the amount of $12,500 be approved. Council divided.  Approved by the following vote:

Affirmative - Councillors Bonnell, Nelson, Ryll, Smith, Walters and Zacharias
Negative - Mayor W. Cobb

Resolved - That a meeting be set up between Council/WL Field Naturalists to discuss Scout Island as soon as possible

d) That the Fee for Service Agreement (2017-19) for the Williams Lake & District Chamber of Commerce be approved for $150,000 per year.  Council divided.  Approved by the following vote:

Affirmative - Mayor Cobb; Councillors Nelson, Ryll and Zacharias
Negative - Councillors I. Bonnell, C. Smith and L. Walters

e) That the request for a Fee for Service in the amount of $5,000 from the Potato House Sustainable Community Society be denied and they be encouraged to apply to the Seeding Start Ups program.  Council divided.  Approved by the following vote:

Affirmative - Mayor W. Cobb; Councillors Bonnell, Nelson, Ryll, Smith and Zacharias
Negative - Councillor L. Walters

f) Staff be directed to perform an administrative review of the Fee for Service and Grant in Aide Program and bring a report back to Committee of Whole for Council's consideration.

8) Council received a letter from the Honours and Awards Secretariat of BC dated January 24, 2017 regarding the 2017 Call for Nominations for the Order of British Columbia and directed that the information be posted on the City's website

9) Council gave approval for Special Occasion Liquor Licenses on April 21, 22 and 23, 2017 at the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex in connection with the WL Indoor Rodeo, subject to RCMP Approval

Members of Council reported out on their recent activities
The CAO provided an oral report

The Mayor responded to questions from the media (WL Tribune/Goat and Cariboo Country Radio)

Meeting adjourned at 7:57pm

1 comment:

  1. Astonishing number of declared 'conflicts of interest " by members of Council. Somebody must be holding their feet to the fire !
