Wednesday, March 15, 2017

2017 McLeese Lake Recreation Commission AGM

McLeese Lake residents' gather in the
lower part of the McLeese Lake Community Hall
for the AGM/March Regular Meeting
of the McLeese Lake Recreation Commission
Earlier this evening - it was my honour to attend the Annual General Meeting/March Regular Meeting of the McLeese Lake Recreation Commission

During the AGM portion - two members of the Recreation Commission decided to retire and not re-offer to serve another year.  I personally thanked them for their service to the Recreation Commission and the McLeese Lake community and gave one of the retiring members a big hug from myself!

During the March Regular Meeting - the Recreation Commission conducted its' usual business including making plans to renovate the Hall in 2017 including energy efficiency upgrades which the Cariboo Regional District will be able to assist the Commission with funding via Community Works Funding

Again, it was a real pleasure to come and observe this meeting this evening and talk with McLeese Lake residents'....


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