Monday, March 20, 2017

50 Days to 41st BC General Election

50 Days from today - BC Voters' in the Province's 41st General Election will elect 87 MLA's to represent them in the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia

Over at which is run by former Kamloops Mayor/current Electoral Area 'P' Thompson-Nicola RD Director Mel Rothenburger -- the site was running an unscientific poll in the last few days asking if people have made up their minds as to the May 9th provincial vote. As of this past Saturday night -- 73.4% of respondents say they know whom they'll being voting for on May 9th while 10.64% of respondents say they haven't decided and a further 15.96% of respondents are uncertain but leaning towards a decision

These results are somewhat consistent with other professional-based polls that I have reviewed which is 75% of respondents have decided their May 9th vote with 25% not ready to make a decision.  It is that 25% that you will see the 87 MLA Candidates and their teams focus on, between now and May 9th.  Please note that the polls called the 2013 BC Election wrong, given the BC NDP had a 13 point lead at the start of the 2013 BC Election and they still lost and I sense that there will not be a reliance on polls but rather to do the hard work -- connect with voters directly and build your knowledge base that way...

Finally -- Here are the election races (as of today) in Cariboo-North/Cariboo-Chilcotin:


Hon. Donna Barnett - BC Liberals (incumbent)
Rita Giesbrecht - BC Greens
Sally Watson - BC NDP

4 Candidates ran in the BC 2013 Election vs 3 Candidates as of today (March 20th)


Hon. Coralee Oakes - BC Liberals (incumbent)
Scott Elliott - BC NDP
Tony Goulet - BC Conservative Party

3 Candidates ran in the BC 2013 Election vs 3 Candidates as of today (March 20th)

Finally - some fast approaching deadlines:

Dissolution of the 40th British Columbia Parliament - April 11th, 2017 (Day 29 to May 9th Election)

Deadline to register as a MLA Candidate with Elections BC - April 18th, 2017 at 1pm (Day 22 to May 9th election)


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