Saturday, March 25, 2017

General Voting Day - SD27 Zone 3

Today, the electors in School District #27 - Zone 3 (District of 100 Mile House) will elect a School Trustee to serve out the remainder of the 2014-2018 Term.  The previous Trustee, Chris Pettman, resigned as he accepted a new job opportunity and was unable to continue serving as the Zone 3 Trustee

Today's candidates for election are:

1) Current Thompson-Nicola RD Area 'B' Director Willow MacDonald
2) 100 Mile resident Cameron Jensen

Full voting details can be viewed here but voting takes place from 8am - 8pm today (March 25th) in 100 Mile Council Chambers (385 Birch Avenue)

The newly elected School District #27 Zone 3 Trustee will be sworn in at the Tuesday, April 25th School District #27 Board meeting at PSO Secondary in 100 Mile House


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