Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Quesnel Council Highlights - Feb 28th mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Skateboard Park Planning - Presentation and Report
Over the past two years, Crystal Brekke, and a group of youths, have held various fundraising events for a proposed expansion to the existing skateboard park located in Baker Creek Park. The group presented Council with a cheque for $4431.42 that will help cover the approximate $10,000 footprint/planning costs required to complete the new skateboard park design. Further, Council approved staff to submit a grant application to the Co-Op Community Spaces Program for $150,000, in partnership with the West Quesnel Business Association, for an approximate $250,000 - 5,000 sq ft skateboard park expansion.

City’s 2016 Fourth Quarterly Report
The City’s fourth quarterly report was presented to Council. For a full viewing of this report, please visit the City’s website to view all final updates to Council’s 2016 Strategic Plan Action items and City departmental updates. 

Political Campaign Sign Amendments
Council approved the first three readings of proposed housekeeping bylaw amendments to the City’s Political Campaign Sign Bylaw 1808. The two housekeeping amendments are: a correction to meet the intended common lawn sign size (24" x 24”); and, for practicality of bylaw enforcement matching the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure timeframe for removal of political campaign signs to be removed one day after General Voting Day.

Business Improvement Associations – 2017 Levy
At the February 21, 2017 Regular Council Meeting the City’s three Business Improvement Associations (BIA’s) presented to Council the budgets and key community activities planned both for 2017. As a result of these presentations, Council approved collecting the Local Service Commercial property tax levies in each BIA area that will result in the following grant payments to the BIA’s as follows:
$64,000 Quesnel Downtown Association
$80,000 South Quesnel Business Association
$40,000 West Quesnel Business Association

NEW – Owner Builder Authorization Process
The provincial Licensing & Consumer Services Branch has implemented, and is now enforcing, higher standards requirements for individuals intending to build their own home and for contractors in owner builder projects. An individual wanting to build their own home, and/or who want to directly manage the construction of their home, will now need to pass an exam on home construction basics in order to obtain Owner Builder Authorization. This is a new process that may cause some confusion and delays around issuing licenses. In 2016, nine out of sixteen new homes built in Quesnel were owner builders utilizing non-licensed builders. There are currently four licensed builders in the community. If you would like more information regarding this provincial program, please contact the local MLA’s office at 250-991-0296.

Bylaw of the Month – Dog Licensing
With March being dog-awareness month, Council approved of City staff to raise awareness in the community through strategic education around the following canine issues that all can be found in Section 3 of the City’s Animal, Bird and Insect Control and Licensing Bylaw No. 1700:
 All dogs over 3 months of age must have a dog license. Annual dog license fees are $10 for spayed/neutered dogs; and $25 for dogs that are not spayed/neutered. Dog Licenses are due January 1st annually, with a late fee of $10 after March 31st and owners can replace a lost Dog License for $5.
 Dog owners are required to clean-up after their dog defecates immediately and dispose in a sanitary manner; not doing so may result in a $50 fine.
 Dogs must be kept on a leash in all public places and the competent owner must be under control of the pooch at all times, not doing so could result in a $50 fine.

Bylaw 1818 – Parcel Tax (Gook Road Sewer Extension) – Final Adoption
Bylaw 1819 – Amend Political Campaign Sign Bylaw 1808 – First, Second and Third Readings

Next Meetings: 7 pm on March 7th (Regular Council) and 5:30 pm on March 14th (North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee)

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