Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Quesnel Council Highlights - March 28th mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Proposed Housing Complex – 424 McLean Street
Dakelh and Quesnel Community Housing Society presented information regarding the Society’s proposed 38-unit 4 storey apartment building that would contain a mix of studio, one-bedroom and two-bedroom units targeting the affordable and accessible housing markets on what is currently a vacant lot located at 424 McLean Street.  The projected cost of this development is $8,808,828 with the following funding sources:  $540,000 sponsor funding; $47,242 City of Quesnel Waiver of Development Cost Charges; $25,000 CMHC Seed Funding; and $4,700,000 BC Housing Investment in Housing Innovation Program.  This proposed development meets the requirements of the City’s Affordable Housing Strategy through a provision of additional supportive homes for singles and single parents.  The developer is proposing occupancy for November 2018.  The full presentation can be viewed on the City’s website. A Public Hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, April 18, 2017 at 7 pm at City Hall Council Chambers.

Council approved a City grant program to restore existing murals in the City.  $40,000 has been set aside for murals with  $20,000 allocated for maintenance to the Quesnel Curling Rink mural.  The remaining funds will be utilized through a mural grant program with non-profit property owners eligible up to 100% and all other property owners eligible up to 50% to maintain existing murals.  The Mural Policy will stipulate that a property owner will be required to review their mural plans with the City, prior to installation of the mural, in order to be eligible for grant funding for future mural maintenance.

Playgrounds – LeBourdais Park and South Quesnel Park
The conceptual designs for both LeBourdais Park and the South Quesnel Park playgrounds have now been completed.  The estimated costs for playgrounds are above the original budgets.  With this in mind, Council approved increased all-in project costs to be allocated from the City’s Gas Tax Reserves as follows:  from $300,000 up to $410,000 for LeBourdais Park playground; and from $200,000 up to $250,000 for the South Quesnel Park playground.  These projects will now go to tender and it is anticipated final costs of these two projects will come under these budgeted amounts.

2016 Surplus and Year End Report
The City’s 2016 general surplus is $833,501.  Council approved this surplus to be allocated to the following Reserve Accounts:  $173,812 to the Snow Removal Reserve; $300,000 to the Equipment Reserve; $264,689 to the Capital Reinvestment Reserve; and $95,000 to the 2017 Operating Budget.  

Proposed Five Year Financial Plan
The City’s Five Year Financial Plan, for years 2017 to 2021, was presented to Council with Council giving the first three bylaw readings of the proposed Five Year Financial Plan Bylaw.  The Five Year Financial Plan Bylaw contains policies regarding revenues, distribution of property taxes and permissive exemptions, proposed revenues and proposed expenditures for the next five years.  Here you will find the City’s proposed capital spending, proposed operating expenditures and the City’s proposed debt. 

Use of Transit Buses for Special Events Policy
Council amended the Use of Transit Buses for Special Events Policy that now allows requests to be made directly to the Director of Community Services who may waive or allow for discounted transit fare for an event that is beneficial to the community, but taking into consideration the anticipated costs and any other issues that may arise regarding a request made under this policy.

Grant Funding Update
An update was provided to Council of grant funding received by the City for projects and equipment.  The report outlines that the City of Quesnel has received $3,429,500 in funding, from various sources, with the City contributing $628,900 towards projects/equipment totaling $4,058,400:
- $3,608,900 Pinecrest Reservoir Replacement    - $264,700 Airport Plow Truck     - $24,800 Storage at Museum     - $ 35,000 Trails Master Plan            - $115,400 Professional Recruitment       - $9,600 Resident Recruitment

- Bylaw 1816 – Sign Bylaw Amendment – Final Adoption  
- Bylaw 1820 – Five Year Financial Plan (Years 2017 to 2021) – First as Amended, Second and Third Bylaw Readings
- Bylaws 1821/1822 – OCP and Zone Amendments – McLean Street Housing Project – Second Reading

Next Meetings
- 7 pm on April 4th Regular Council Meeting AND 5:30 pm on April 11th North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee Meeting

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