Saturday, March 4, 2017

Steve's Meeting/Expense Calendar - February 2017

In the month of Feburary 2017 - I attended the following meeting/events:

Feb 1st/2nd -- Local Government Leadership Academy Annual Leadership Forum in Richmond BC

Feb 6th - Nenqay Deni Accord - Open House by Province of BC

Feb 8th - Committee of the Whole Meeting/Cariboo Strong Presentation (Central Cariboo Elected Officials)

Feb 9th - CCRHD/CRD Board Meetings

Feb 22nd - Central Cariboo/City of WL Joint Committee Meeting

Feb 24th - Met with Karen Moores (CRD Development Services Mgr) in regards to Animal Control within Area 'D' and a land use issue at McLeese Lake

Feb 26th - Attended the AGM for the McLeese Lake Farmers' Market Society

As for expenses submitted during the month of February 2016:

Feb 1st - $120 for attending Day 1 of LGLA 2017

Feb 8th - $185 for Committee of the Whole Meeting

Feb 9th - $185 for CCRHD/CRD Board Meetings

Feb 22nd - $75 for Central Cariboo/City of WL Joint Committee Meeting


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