Thursday, March 16, 2017

Wildwood Sewer Meeting

Wildwood Sewer Meeting at the Wildwood Fire Hall
Earlier this evening - I held a meeting with Wildwood residents in regards to a pending user fee increase from $127/yr to $200/yr for the Wildwood Sewer System

About 10 residents' came out to hear the rationale for the increase from Peter Hughes, the Cariboo Regional District's Manager of Environmental Services.  My thanks, also, to my Alternate Director, Phyllis Webstad, for making the meeting as well.

After the presentation, there was a question/answer period where a 'conversation' was held between Mr. Hughes and the community

I felt the meeting went very well and my thanks to everyone who could make the meeting this evening

The next step is to bring forward the necessary Wildwood Sewer System User Fee Amendment Bylaw which should happen fairly soon (likely the April 13th Cariboo Regional District Board Meeting), in time for the Wildwood Sewer System user fee invoices which typically go out in mid to late April every year


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