Monday, April 10, 2017

BC Liberals launch 2017 Campaign Platform

Earlier today - the BC Liberals released their 2017 Campaign Platform under the slogan Strong BC, Bright Future

For a full look at the platform - click here.  Meanwhile, the BC NDP have come out, as expected, against their platform calling it "giveaways to rich donors, rising costs for families" - read more here

It is expected that the BC NDP will release their campaign platform by the end of this month

Meanwhile - the BC Conservatives who are running 7 candidates, so far, in the provincial election, which officially starts tomorrow, including Cariboo-North.  Their platform, from the 2013 Election, can be viewed here and the BC Green Party have put up their 2017 campaign platform here

Finally - as I predicted earlier this year, this election will be one of the most fiercest elections that BC has seen in recent time as the BC Liberal candidate for Kamloops-North Thompson Peter Milobar accusing BC NDP Leader John Horgan of "saying one thing in the Interior of BC and another in Metro Vancouver, in relation to municipal leaders".  Read the full press release here

Clearly - the 2017 BC Election will be substantive different in tone and otherwise, then in 2013 which was described at the time, as a "tame" election...

Which gets started officially tomorrow after BC Premier (and BC Liberal Party Leader) Christy Clark officially asks BC's Lieutenant-Governor Judith Guichon to dissolve the current BC Legislature to kick off a 28 day election campaign with General Voting Day on Tuesday, May 9th


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