Thursday, April 13, 2017

CRD Board Highlights - April 13th mtg

Present: Chair A. Richmond; Directors T. Armstrong, J. Bruce, J. Massier (Vice-Chair), S. Forseth, B. Kemp, J. Sorley, M. Wagner, D. Cash, B. Anderson, B. Coakley, R. Sharpe, B. Simpson, W. Cobb, and M. Campsall

Meeting called to order at 9:50am

Meeting Agenda/March 24th CRD Board Minutes, both adopted

Delegation MOB as of April 13th, 2017 received


1) Development Services

a) The following Planning Bylaws were given 1st/2nd Readings:

i) Bylaws 5035/5036 - Area B (Quesnel Fringe Area Official Community Plan/Zoning Amendment)
ii) Bylaws 5079/5080 - Area H (South Cariboo Area Official Community Plan/ Zoning Amendment)
iii) Bylaws 5081/5082 - Area F (150 Mile House Area Official Community Plan Amendment/WL Fringe and 150 Mile House Area Zoning Amendment)

b) Bylaw #5072 - Area A (North Cariboo Area Rural Land Use Amendment) was given 3rd Reading

c) Bylaw #5047 - Area G (South Cariboo Area Zoning Amendment) was adopted by the Board

d) The Board agreed to submit ALR Application #ALR1703 to the Provincial Agricultural Land Commission with a recommendation for approval

e) The Board approved Temporary Permit/Industrial Application #TP69-2016 (Area F)

f) The Board received the Municipalities’ Building Inspection Statistic Report, Cariboo Regional District Statistic Report, and the Inspection Activity Report for February 2017

2) Community Services

a) The Board approved up to $9,000 from the 2017 Community Halls Improvements envelope of the Community Works Fund to perform energy efficiency upgrades at the McLeese Lake Community Hall

3) Finance

a) The Board received/ratified the Monthly Cheque Register for March 2017 in the amount of $4,657,655.05

b) The Board approved the 2016 Statement of Financial Information report for release to the Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development

Resolved - That the EA Administration budget line for Canada 150 events be increased from $5,000 - $25,000 with an application cap of any one event at $1,500.  Board divided.  Motion agreed to by the following Stakeholder - Electoral Areas vote:

Affirmative - Directors Armstrong, Bruce, Massier, Sorley, Richmond, Wagner, Cash, Anderson and Coakley (Areas A, B, C, F, G, H, I, K and L)

Negative - Directors S. Forseth/B. Kemp (Areas D, E)

c) The Board approved two Canada 150 Grant applications for funding from the Electoral Area Administration budget:

i) Horsefly Board of Trade, Canada Day - $1,500
ii) SkyFest 2017 (Quesnel) - $1,500.  Board divided.  Motion agreed to by the following Stakeholder - Electoral Areas vote:

Affirmative - Directors Armstrong, Bruce, Massier, Sorley, Richmond, Wagner, Cash, Anderson and Coakley

Negative - Directors S. Forseth/B. Kemp

d) The Board approved 4 Grant for Assistance applications for funding, as follows:

i) Back Country Horsemen of BC North Cariboo Chapter - Refer to NC Rural Caucus
ii) Caribruisers Junior Roller Derby - Receive only
iii) Mahood Falls Community Society - Waive policy/$2,000
iv) Big Lake Elementary - $250 (Area F)

Meeting recessed at 10:58am
Meeting resumed at 11:08am


Jo-Ann Francis from PMT Chartered Accountants/Business Advisors LLP appeared before the Board to present the Audited 2016 Consolidated Financial Statements for the Cariboo Regional District

A Question/Answer period ensued

Chair Richmond, on behalf of the Board, thanked Ms. Francis for her time/information

Resolved -- That the Audited 2016 Consolidated Financial Statements for the Cariboo Regional District, prepared by PMT Chartered Accountants LLP, be received and approved as presented.

Meeting recessed to CCRHD Board at 11:29am
Meeting resumed at 11:38am

Business, cont:

4) Communications

a) The Board received a report from the Manager of Communications in regards to an update on the Cariboo Strong Regional Ec Dev program

5) Administration

a) The Board agreed to release two previous In-Camera Resolutions as follows:

i) ‘That all Regional District staff, union and excluded, be compensated in accordance with the provisions for overtime hours as established in the Collective Agreement between the Cariboo Regional District and the BC Government Employees and Services Union, for authorized emergency operations overtime work under an Emergency Management of BC task number.’

ii) That the Cariboo Regional District proceed with a petition process to establish a function for the ongoing operating and maintenance costs of flood mitigative works on the Cottonwood River. Further, that if the petition receives elector approval, that staff be directed to enter into an agreement with Emergency Management BC and the affected Cottonwood River residents, which clarifies responsibilities for ongoing operations and maintenance of the works. And further, that staff be directed to undertake, as a priority, the necessary contracts to construct the works.’

b) The Board adopted the Draft Video Surveillance Policy, as prepared by the Corporate Officer

Meeting recessed at 12:08pm
Meeting resumed at 12:48pm

c) The Board received a report from the Corporate Officer in regards to a UBCM Marijuana Legalization and Regulation Survey

d) The Board received the 'Consent Calendar' as of April 13th

e) The Board received NCLGA/UBCM/FCM Items as follows:

i) Response from Ministry to District of Coldstream - Provincial Private Moorage Program
ii) Federation of Canadian Municipalities - Legal Defense Fund
iii) District of Coldstream - Request to Farm Industry Review Board to Conduct Study

f) The Board received a copy of a letter from Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations in respect of a Moratorium on Road Deactivations in Horsefly

g) The Board received/endorsed the Prioritization of Board Resolutions, as of March 24, 2017

6) Committee/Commission Minutes/Recommendations

a) The Board received the following Committee/Commission Minutes

i) North Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus Minutes - March 14, 2017
ii) Central Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus Minutes - March 22, 2017
iii) North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee Minutes - March 14, 2017
iv) South Cariboo Joint Committee - April 10th, 2017

b) The Board endorsed recommendations from the following Committees/Commissions:

i) 2017 North Cariboo Recreation and Parks Budget Amendment - NC Joint Committee on March 14th
ii) North Cariboo Joint Planning Commission Terms of Reference - Committee Review and Discussion - NC Joint Committee on March 14th
iii) Bill C-337 - An Act to Amend the Judges Act and the Criminal Code (Sexual Assault) - CC Rural Caucus Recommendation from March 8th - write letter of support for Bill C-337

Board divided.  Motion approved by the following vote:

Affirmative - Chair Richmond; Directors Armstrong, Massier, Forseth, Kemp, Sorley, Wagner, Cash, Anderson, Coakley, Simpson and Campsall

Negative - Director J. Bruce (Area B) and W. Cobb (Williams Lake)

iv) 100 Mile RCMP Delegation - SC Joint Committee on April 10th

c) The Board received an Invitation from Southern Interior Beetle Action Coalition - 2017 Keeping it Rural Conference

6) Corporate Bylaws

a) The Board gave 1st, 2nd and 3rd Readings to 103 Mile Water System Service Boundary Amendment Bylaw No. 5093, 2017
b) The Board gave 1st, 2nd and 3rd Readings to and adopted Cariboo Regional District Water Rates Bylaw No. 5094, 2017
c) The Board gave 1st, 2nd and 3rd Readings to and adopted Wildwood Sewer Management Amendment Bylaw No. 5095, 2017

7) Directors' Requests

a) At the request of Director Forseth (Area D) - the Board agreed to write the Ministry of Transportation/Infrastructure urging that consideration be given to rest areas within the CRD for its Free Wi-Fi at provincial rest areas initiative.  Board divided.  Approved by the following vote:

Affirmative - Directors Armstrong, Massier, Forseth, Kemp, Sorley, Richmond, Wagner, Cash, Anderson, Coakley, Simpson, Cobb and Campsall

Negative - Director J. Bruce (Area 'B')

At 1:26pm -- The Board convened an In-Camera Meeting as per Sections 90(1a/k - appointments and negotiations) of the Community Charter

At 1:42pm -- the Board resumed its' public meeting

Directors' reported out on their recent activities

Resolved -  That policy be waived and $1,000 be allocated from the Electoral Area B Discretionary Fund for the purpose of holding various public meetings in the area

Resolved - That a letter of support be authorized for the 2017 SkyFest event in Quesnel

Resolved - That communications in regards to planning issues be discussed at a future Committee of the Whole meeting

The Board adjourned at 2:40pm

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