Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Kamloops North/South Thompson MLA Candidates Interviewed

With just a week to go before the start of the 2017 BC Election - the Kamloops Chamber of Commerce interviewed all people running for MLA in Kamloops North Thompson and Kamloops South Thompson by asking them these 3 questions and videotaping their answers:

1) What do you see as the greatest economic issues facing British Columbia over the next four years and what will you / your party do to address them?

2) What do you see as the greatest economic opportunities for the BC Interior? What will you / your party do to encourage economic development in these areas?

3) Our members have reported that challenges in accessing health care are becoming an impediment for recruiting and retaining employees in the Kamloops area. What will you / your party do to address the shortage in doctors and other medical services in our region?

Those running in Kamloops-North Thompson, as of this writing, are:

BC Liberal Party - Peter Milobar
BC NDP - Barb Nederpal
BC Greens - Dan Hines
BC Communist Party - Peter Kerek

Those running in Kamloops-South Thompson, as of this writing, are:

BC Liberal Party - Todd Stone
BC NDP - Nancy Beppe
BC Greens - Donovan Cavers
BC Communist Party - Beat Klossner

The full 3 sets of videos can be viewed here

I would expect similiar questions to be asked of ALL candidates running in both Cariboo-North and Cariboo-Chilcotin in the forthcoming provincial election in addition to local election issues (Mt Polley, etc) in both Cariboo-North and Cariboo-Chilcotin

Meanwhile - the Williams Lake and District Chamber of Commerce announced at its' last meeting that an All Candidates Forum would be held on Thursday, April 27th from 12:00pm - 1:30pm.  Stay tuned for precise details (location, those participating, etc) in the days ahead...

The election writ drops on Tuesday, April 11th with advance voting opportunities on April 29th/30th & May 3-6 with General Voting Day for all eligible BC Voters' being Tuesday, May 9th


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