Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Quesnel Council Highlights - Apr 25th mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

2016 Financial Audit Report

Corey Naphtali, Partner of the KPMG accounting firm, presented an independent Audit Report of the City’s Consolidated Financial Statements.  The City’s 2016 Consolidated Financial Statements have received a clean audit in accordance with the Canadian Public Sector Accounting Standards.  The full report is available on the City’s website.

Off-Leash Dog Park – Proposed Location
After reviewing a number of potential sites and reviewing best practices regarding dog-parks, the preferred location to develop a proposed off-leash dog park in Quesnel is Carson Field located between Nadeau Street and the Quesnel River.  The proposed site will require a re-zoning application from Multi-Family Residential to Park.  The Carson Field location has the following benefits, from the three other sites that were being considered, such as:

• Further away from residential and commercial properties
• Highly visible and central location in the community
• Accessible for tourists traveling through the community.  RV friendly parking is available on Nelson Street using City-owned Right-of-Way space with north and south bound turn lanes on Highway 97.
• Due to the ample City-Owned parking that this site has off Nelson Street, City Staff have proposed to limit the parking on the residential side of Nadeau Street adjacent to this lot to resident parking only, and will create a no-parking area on portions of the park side of Nadeau Street.
• Existing chain link fencing will be utilized at the west boundary of the park
• Carson Field area has natural boundaries with access to the Quesnel River.  The area is currently used for dog walking.
• Carson Field currently has three access points and the potential for a fourth access point by construction of a ramp to the field from the south end of the Quesnel River Bridge.
This proposal will require a Rezoning Application that will provide the public with an opportunity to voice any concerns regarding this proposed land use change at a future Public Hearing.  The approved budget for constructing this proposed off-leash dog park in 2017 is approximately $66,000.

The May 2017 Bylaw-of-the-Month is the City of Quesnel Fire Protection, Prevention and Emergency Response Bylaw 1685 featuring strategic education and/or enforcement, within City limits, of an open fire burning ban and campfire regulations.  With outside spring cleaning and yard work underway, the Bylaw Enforcement Staff wanted to remind residents of the following rules and regulations around campfires:

• Campfires may not be larger than 0.5 meters by 0.5 meters
• Only charcoal briquettes or dry seasoned firewood permitted as fuel
• A 1 meter firebreak around the entire fire must be created and maintained throughout the time the fire is burning
• Must have at least 8 litres of water within 2 meters of the fire
• Campfire must be attended at all times
• Campfire must be extinguished before you leave
• Campfire bans apply when the BC Forest Hazard Rating reaches high or extreme, or when the Fire Chief deems appropriate.

•             Bylaw 1823 – 2017 Tax Rates – Final Adoption

Next Meetings
•             7 pm, May 2nd - Regular Council Meeting
•             5:30 pm, May 9th – North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee – Rescheduled to 5:30 pm on May 16th

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