Saturday, April 1, 2017

Steve's Meeting/Expense Calendar - March 2017

In the month of March 2017 - I attended the following meetings/events:

March 3rd - CCRHD/CRD Board Meetings
March 8th - Tour with CRD Area 'F' Director Joan Sorley of the Williams Lake Child Development Centre (given the CRD Central Cariboo Directors (Areas D, E, F) have provided Grants for Assistance to the Williams Lake Child Development Centre) and a Central Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus Meeting

March 15th - Meeting with Miriam Schilling (Xat'sull Ec Dev Coordinator) re: CRD Area D/Xat'sull Ec Dev Partnership Opportunities & tour of new Xat'sull Community Building and the City of Williams Lake's 88th Birthday Tea and finally the 2017 McLeese Lake Recreation Commission AGM/March 2017 Regular Monthly Meeting

March 16th - Meeting with Wildwood residents with a presentation from the CRD Manager of Environmental Services (P. Hughes) re: increase to annual user fee for the Wildwood Sewer System

March 22nd - Central Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus and Central Cariboo Joint Committee Meetings

March 24th - CCRHD/CRD Board Meetings

March 29th - Attended re-opening of the Oasis Pub with a little gathering of McLeese Lake residents

March 31st - Met with CRD CAO J. Bell to discuss current/upcoming CRD Business involving Electoral Area 'D'

As for expenses submitted in the month of March 2017:

March 3rd - $185 for CCRHD/CRD Board Meetings

March 8th - $75 for Central Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus Meeting

March 22nd - $75 for Central Cariboo Joint Committee Meeting

March 24th - $185 for CCRHD/CRD Board Meetings


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