Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Support for Mining in the Chilcotin - BC Election 2017

A "undecided" voter, presumably whom resides in the Chilcotin, cc'd me on a message he had wrote to the BC NDP Candidate for Cariboo-Chilcotin, Sally Watson as follows:

Good morning Sally Watson,
I am one of those "undecided" voters who has lived in your riding for over 40 years and my question is simple.
Are you, as a hopeful MLA for the Cariboo Chilcotin, FOR or AGAINST the expansion of the mining industry in the Chilcotin?

My question will also be sent to Donna Barnett and Rita Giesbrecht. As you can imagine, this is a very important issue for the voters in this area and thank you in advance for your reply.

In the previous BC Election - Donna Barnett expressed her complete support for mining projects in the Chilcotin, like New Prosperity, while her then NDP Opponent, Charlie Wyse, was opposed to New Prosperity and Donna won that election by a healthy margin of roughly 2,000 votes

The message I received earlier today indicates that this is still an issue in the Chilcotin so it'll be interesting to see if the subject comes up at any All Candidates Forums in the forthcoming BC Election for Cariboo-Chilcotin


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