Monday, May 8, 2017

Area 'D' Open House at McLeese Lake Community Hall

McLeese Lake Community Hall
Main Floor
From 6-8pm this evening - 23 people from throughout Electoral Area 'D' came out to the McLeese Lake Community Hall to discuss local issues with myself

Issues discussed included:

* Area D Building Inspection Service Area reduction petition

* Grant for Assistance to the Tyee Lake Fire Department
* Road Maintenance Issues
* Logging issue on Forglen Rd
* Request for various Protective Services brochures

Also in attendance was the Cariboo RD Mgr of Communications.

I felt the 2 hour session was a worthwhile effort, as part of my overall strategy to stay grounded and be an effective Area D Director

So thank you to everyone who came out and chatted with me/CRD Mgr of Communications


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