Monday, May 29, 2017

BC Greens/NDP form a Partnership

Really to no one's surprise -- the BC Greens and BC NDP announced earlier today that they've agreed to an partnership to have a stable minority government.  Details of the agreement are slated to be released tomorrow, after the BC NDP Caucus ratifies the agreement.  The proposed agreement is purported to run "many pages"

However - the incumbent BC Liberals have put out a statement in response, saying:

"In recent days, we have made every effort to reach a governing agreement, while standing firm on our core beliefs. It’s vitally important that British Columbians see the specific details of the agreement announced today by the BC NDP and Green Party leaders, which could have far-reaching consequences for our province’s future.

As the incumbent government, and the party with the most seats in the legislature, we have a responsibility to carefully consider our next steps. I will consult on those steps with the newly elected BC Liberal caucus, and have more to say tomorrow.”

At this stage - options available to the BC Liberals are:

1) Recall the Legislature and certainly lose a confidence vote on either the Speech from the Throne or a Budget/Supply Bill

2) Resign immediately, clearing the way for Horgan/Weaver to become the new Government of BC

3) Hail Mary Pass -- Clark could, in theory, ask the Lieutenant-Governor to call for a fresh election but there is NO guarantee that the Lieutenant-Governor would accede to her request

Finally - if one looks purely at the math:

43 - Liberal
41 - NDP
3 - Green

If Liberals play their cards right - they could refuse to put up any one of their 43 MLA's for Speaker, thereby causing a 43-43 split in the House.  Normally - this is not a problem for Bills as 1st/2nd Readings, the Speaker is expected, in a tie situation, to vote with the Government to continue debate however I've personally never heard of a tie vote in a Parliament at 3rd Reading of a Bill and what the Speaker would do...

Guess we'll find out what happens next, sometime tomorrow...


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