Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Cariboo RD North Cariboo Multi-agency Forum

Yesterday - the Cariboo Regional District hosted the 2017 North Cariboo Multi-Agency Forum which brings a variety of agencies together in one place for the general public to access in one place.

Agencies in attendance included:

* Cariboo Regional District
* BC Ambulance Service
* Kersley Fire Department
* BC Min of Transportation/Infrastructure
* Emcon Services Ltd

CRD Northern Directors in attendance were Area A Director Ted Armstrong, Area B Director Jerry Bruce and Area C Director John Massier

I attended in my official capacity as the CRD Area D Director (Commodore Heights - McLeese Lake) as I needed to talk with Emcon Services Ltd/BC Ministry of Transportation, in regard to road issues in the McLeese Lake community area

I will be interested in hearing my colleagues thoughts on how they felt the session went, from their own perspectives...


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