Friday, May 5, 2017

Final Day of NCLGA 2017

Today is the Final Day of NCLGA 2017.  View the full Convention Itinerary here

On the Agenda today:

* Breakfast: UBCM’s working group on responsible conduct - Presentation from UBCM Executive Director Gary MacIsaac

* Tourism Partnerships and Marketing northern BC -- Panel Presentation from Clint Fraser, Northern BC Tourism Association, Kim Hood, Destination BC and Bert Mercer, Nisga’a Lisims Government

* Wild Fires: Are you prepared? How to mitigate the damage and avoid costly mistakes.  Panel Presentation from John Klie, Terrace Fire Chief, Peace River RD Chair Brad Sperling and Cassidee Hall, FIT, Westland Resources

* Moving Energy: The environmental, social and economic considerations around shipping resources
through northern BC.  Panel Presentation from Chris Montgomery - Manager E & P Engagement, Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers, Joslyn Young - Community Affairs Lead/CN Rail and Gareth Manderson, General Manager, Rio Tinto

* Revenue Sharing in northern British Columbia
* Lunch and Prize Draw
* 2017 NCLGA Convention Adjournment

Unfortunately - I have to leave early to catch my flight back to Williams Lake so I'll have to miss some of the presentations as listed above but hoping to take in as many as possible before having to leave Terrace...

Have a great day,


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