Friday, May 5, 2017

Local Gov't Mtgs - Wk of May 8-12

After a successful time in Terrace for the 2017 North Central Local Gov't Association Convention - local governments of the Cariboo-Chilcotin are back to work next week, as follows:

Wells - Regular Council Meeting on Monday, May 8th at 7pm in Wells Council Chambers (4243 Sanders Avenue).  On the Agenda:

* Quesnel Skyfest request for Fly-By Over Wells August 3, 2017
* Logging Proposal by Ambrus Forestry Inc. – West Wells
* Various Council Appointments
* Revised Acting Mayor Schedule 2017
* Naming of Additional Signing Authorities
* Proposed Fall 2017 By-Election Date - September 2017
* Update report on the 2016-2017 Gold Rush Circle Route project from the Marketing Coordinator
* Adopt both District of Wells Tax Rates Bylaw No. 150,2017 and District of Wells Five Year Financial Plan Bylaw No. 151, 2017
* In-Camera Session: Sec 90(1a - appointments) of the Community Charter

View the full Agenda here

Williams Lake - Regular Council Meeting on Tuesday, May 9th at 6pm in Williams Lake Council Chambers (450 Mart St).  On the Agenda:

* Delegation: Kane Fraser, FBB Accountants re: 2016 Audited Financial Statements
* DVP #02-2017 (96 Fairview Dr) for proposed setback for garage
* Stampede Park User Group Lease Renewals
* 2017-2021 Financial Plan Bylaw No. 2263, 2017 - Adoption
* 2017 Municipal Tax Rate Bylaw No. 2264 - for 1st, 2nd and 3rd Reading
* Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2262 (113 Mayfield Ave) - For Adoption
* In-Camera Report #05-2017 re Land Disposition of 113 Fourth Avenue North (Museum) and In-Camera Report #04-2017 re Land Disposition - Portion of 850 Oliver Street

View the full Agenda here

Cariboo Regional District - Meetings as noted below:

South Cariboo Joint Committee - Meeting on Monday, May 8th at 12 noon in 100 Mile Council Chambers.  On the Agenda:

* Delegation: Elcy LePage from Interior Roads
* District of 100 Mile House - CMHA - Request for Reduction of Fees
* South Cariboo Canada 150 Event - Referred back from April 13th CRD Board Meeting
* South Cariboo Recreation Centre Expansion Working Group Meeting Notes and Recommendations
* In-Camera Session: Sec 90(1e - land) of the Community Charter

View the full Agenda here

Cariboo-Chilcotin Regional Hospital District - Meeting on Friday, May 12th at 9:30am in the CRD Boardroom (180D North 3rd Avenue).  On the Agenda:

* Receive Delegations List
* Consent Calendar

View the full Agenda here

Cariboo Regional District - Meeting on Friday, May 12th at 9:45am in the CRD Boardroom (180D North 3rd Avenue).  On the Agenda:

* Consideration of Various Land Use Matters
* Low Mobility Wilderness Trails Network Expansion Project Applications to Northern Development Initiative Trust/BC Rural Dividend (Big Lake - Area F)
* Williams Lake Off Road Motorcycle Association – Contribution Request from Area D Economic Development Service
* Grant for Assistance applications from 1st Williams Lake Junior Cadets Society, 3064 Rocky Mountain Rangers, Tyee Lake Community Association, Wildwood Community and Recreation Association
* CRD Canada 150 Funding -- City of Quesnel/Friends of the Quesnel & District Museum & Archives Society
* Amendment to Procurement Policy
* Review Submission of UBCM Resolutions for 2017 Convention
* Consent Calendar
* Receive Committee or Commission Minutes and endorse recommendations from those meetings
* 100 Mile House Fire Protection Service Boundary Expansion Bylaw No. 5096, 2017 - For 1st, 2nd and 3rd Readings
* 103 Mile Water System Service Boundary Amendment Bylaw No. 5093, 2017 - For Adoption

View the full Agenda here

Two Reminders:

1) I will be hosting an Open House with the CRD Manager of Communications at the McLeese Lake Community Hall on Forglen Road in McLeese Lake to discuss Area D issues, concerns, etc on Monday, May 8th from 6-8pm.  Come on out and let's have a chat!

2) The 41st Provincial Election is on Tuesday, May 9th from 8am - 8pm.  Locations for General Voting Day can be viewed here, in case you haven't voted already.  I would strongly encourage you to vote as it lets you proactively engage in the political process where your issue, no matter what it is, can be raised and addressed..


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